Media News South Africa

Malema miffs media

NEWSWATCH: National Press Club chairman Yusuf Abramjee says that the media need to be protected from abuse by Malema such as that when he ordered a BBC reporter out of a conference last week, reports IOL, which also reports that MXiT has got the ball rolling in removing questionable content and banning abusers.
Malema miffs media

For more:

  • IOL: Media wants Zuma meeting about Malema… The ANCYL leader's outburst after a BBC reporter pointed out that Malema lives in Sandton has lead the media to appeal to Jacob Zuma to intervene.
  • IOL: MXit bans 100… Just two weeks after announcing its ‘zero-tolerance' policy against offenders, Mxit has removed millions of questionable pictures and banned almost 100 abusers.

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