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Israel testing 'nasty' weapon in Gaza
Two Norwegian doctors who spent 10 days working in a hospital in the Palestinian territory think that Gaza is being used as a test laboratory for new weapons. The doctors told the British Medical Journal that they have not seen casualties directly affected by the bomb because they are normally blown completely apart.
However, they reported that they had seen 'brutal' amputations without shrapnel injuries that they suspect result from the bomb. The weapon is thought to be a dense inert metal explosive (DIME). A dense inert metal explosive is an experimental small weapon that detonates with extreme force, dissipating its power in a range of 5-10 metres. They explode with devastating effect.
A further effect of these weapons is that they may have the potential to be carcinogenic. Studies on animals have shown that implanted fragments of these weapons cause cancer within months.
An Israeli spokesperson says that she is 'not aware' of the use of these weapons and that Israel is complying with international law.