British and Irish Lions Tour a protected event - ambush marketers banned
Janine Hollesen 30 Apr 2021
Parkhurst's poster pirates strike again
19 Jun 2013
But, South Africa has certainly not just rolled over and allowed blanket bans to take place on anything to do with 2010 FIFA World Cup. But has been very democratic and correct about it all with an invitation for public scrutiny and objections to FIFA's request - as is required by the Merchandise Marks Act.
FIFA's request is wide ranging and predictably includes all variations of the South Africa 2010 logo and all the country and relevant logos of all of the previous football world cup events as well all previous world cup emblems, pictures or drawings of the FIFA World Cup Trophy and Jules Rimet Cup.
Also applied for are the following descriptives:
If all of these are trademarked it can be assumed that when Ambush Marketing Laws are also applied, companies and brands that are not FIFA sponsors will be prohibited from carrying any of these in their advertising.
Interested persons are invited to submit, in writing, any objections to Mr Netshitenzhe, director of commercial law and policy, Pretoria 0001, fax number: +27 (0)12 394 2506 or email .
The closing date for objections is 2 August 2007.
This request for objections was published, through notice 787 of 2007 in the government gazette, on 21 June 2007, made available on 2 July 2007.
The Minister of Trade and Industry will take into account objections from the public as well as the principles within South Africa's legislation in this area when he decides whether or not to grant the requested trademarks.
The Government acknowledges FIFA's intellectual property rights as one of its guarantees: Protection of intellectual property and marketing rights will be done in accordance with current South African legislation: