15 Jun 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media South Africa

The importance of having an online presence and knowing how to go viral

Many know former adman Conn Bertish as the first South African ECD to take the leap from traditional to digital advertising. Following his experience with cancer, he's making headlines for different reasons with the advent of his Cancer Dojo app, aimed at using the creative visualisation techniques that helped him, help others by gamifying the cancer experience.

Walter Pike gives feedback on the gist of last week's Daily Maverick The Gathering's 'game changers', particularly focused on how Twitter carried the debate to the world.

We also unpack [Loeries 2015] agency expectations with The Jupiter Drawing Room (Cape Town)'s Chairman and CEO, Kevin Aspoas.

Rounding out the industry insights, Sibongile Lehloo shares five important tips to creating viral content, keeping in mind that there's an art and a science to creating online content and a campaign that goes viral.

Leigh Andrews, Senior Editor: Marketing & Media (@Leigh_Andrews, @biz_marketing)

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Weekly top stories
Former adman Conn Bertish makes cancer survival mobile
[Leigh Andrews] Conn Bertish is known to some as the first South African ECD to take the leap from traditional to digital advertising. To me, he's the man who let me tap his brain through a hole in the back of his skull in a coffee shop... read more>>

The gist of The Gathering's 'game changers'

Walter Pike

There were many hot topics at the fourth ever #DMGathering, held on Thursday, 11 June in Midrand. This year's conference was themed 'game changers'. Here are a handful of my highlights...


[Loeries 2015] Agency expectations with... The Jupiter Drawing Room

Leigh Andrews

In our feature running until Loeries Creative Week in Durban this August, we find out what The Jupiter Drawing Room (Cape Town)'s Chairman and CEO, Kevin Aspoas, expects...


Five important tips to creating viral content

Sibongile Lehloo

There is an art and a science to creating online content and a campaign that goes viral. The art and science are in brands tapping into the psyche of their target audiences whether B2B or B2C... (video)


Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 135: Whisky Live Showroom, Efinity and purposeful marketing
On the latest Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show, host Warren Harding interviewed Jacqui Maroun, Nic Robertson and Emily Stockden... read more>>
Biz Takeouts at the BrightRock Connection Session on 25 June
The next Connection Session is here and is happening in Cape Town, at The Breakwater Lodge, Portswood Road, Cape Town on 25 June, with the topic: Will the set-up costs stifle your start-up dream...? read more>>
Why does the word 'data' drive fear into the hearts of many marketers?

Velia Duncan

Is it because it conjures up an image of reams of numbers scrolling down a screen; when the reason you entered the field of marketing in the first place is because it dealt with real people, and not abstract figures? You're not alone... read more>>
Bringing the virtual world to marketing

Beverley Klein

Virtual reality is a phrase synonymous with science-fiction movies and futuristic plots. But that future is now, with the advent of products like Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear, Google Cardboard and more... read more>>
If you want to succeed, get into the trenches. Now!

Rolf Akermann

Identifying your target market

Sophie Baker

Manage your mind as well as your business

Issued by Trudon

The truths about creating an exceptional customer experience

Kevin Lourens, Issued by NATIVE VML

BSK Marketing and UMS hold a Stokvel Academy workshop in Cape Town

Issued by BSK Marketing

This is why CEOs laugh at marketers, PR and ad people

Issued by Chris Moerdyk

10 ways for business to become more emotionally engaged

Sheila McGillivray

Advertising has left the rarefied atmosphere of one-way communication and marketers are now under intense scrutiny in a 24/7 public arena. An enlightened approach is key to speaking to savvy consumers... read more>>
Everything's an ad

Jake Bester

Introducing the oldest, new communication channel: The world... read more>>
[Orchids & Onions] Yes, I can feel this penguin ad

Brendan Seery

One of the adages in the entertainment business is: never perform alongside an animal or a child. They will steal the scene from you. It's no less true in advertising... read more>>
Not your average 'chip off the old Blok' campaign...

Leigh Andrews

When Blok decided to move away from what property can offer you and focus instead on what urban living can offer a Blok owner, it looked to North agency for more than the traditional property advertising campaign... read more>>
What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas anymore

Damon Stapleton

African youth account for 65% of the continent's R10tn consumer spending and ad targeting

Issued by Atmosphere Orange

New Business Banking campaign takes businesses to the next level

Issued by Joe Public

Thank you, Vodacom

Issued by Ireland/Davenport

BF.34 open their doors in Nairobi

Issued by 34

Havas Worldwide and POWA find shelter and help for abused women in an unexpected haven

Issued by Havas Worldwide

The tarnished image of South Africa's brand

Rebone Masemola

I am certain most people can agree that the alleged report of South Africa's involvement in the FIFA scandal could prove to be the straw that broke the camel's back... read more>>
How brands really grow: Brands in the brain

Jan Hofmeyr, Issued by TNS South Africa

PSG invests its brand equity in Publicis Machine

Issued by Publicis Machine

Win a custom branded deluxe 3m x 3m gazebo valued at over R6,000 from Gazebo World

Issued by Gazebo World

Workshop for aspirant screenwriters in Cape Town
The Writing Studio will hold its second workshop for aspirant screenwriters in Cape Town on 4 July 2015. During the workshop, the writers will develop their concepts, explore their characters and plot their stories. read more>>
Customer experience management summit addresses skill upliftment
Upskilling staff in the customer experience management (CEM) industry is key to maintaining focus, as it is easy to assume employees providing support for a product or brand have the required knowledge or expertise to perform their duties... read more>>
Upcycling old billboards for good
Jaguar Land Rover and Continental Outdoor Media have partnered with E'Yako Green to recycle old billboards and simultaneously empower local communities. .. read more>>
The latest trends in web design that are irresistibly awesome

Manas Kumar

Web technology marches on to the drumming sound of various cultures of innovation. With each beat, it makes progress and reforms the way the web is done... read more>>
Two new programmes to empower youth in digital skills
Livity Africa, in partnership with the British Council Connect ZA and the British High Commission will launch two initiatives to empower young people with access to digital skills development on 25 and 26 June 2015 in Johannesburg... read more>>
The survival of independence

Charlie Stewart

Many of the conversations I've had in recent months - be they with media, clients, staff or other agencies - have touched on the relevance of the independent digital agency... read more>>
The future is mobile, and the future is happening right now

Issued by DQ&A Media Group

The G&G digital story

Issued by Gullan&Gullan

Apple News - what this means for SA publishers

Grant Shippey, Issued by Amorphous

Longer-form video is capturing attention on mobile screens across the globe - IAB study

Issued by IAB South Africa

Everlytic inspires

Issued by Everlytic

Direct Marketing
[Behind the Selfie] with... Warren Moss

Leigh Andrews

This week, we find out what's really going on behind the selfie with Warren Moss, Founder/CEO of Demographica... read more>>
Don't eat Niknaks this winter - build your business savvy

Issued by UCT Graduate School of Business

EXSA's conference excels expectations

Issued by EXSA

AMASA calls to the industry to nominate candidates for the 2015 AMASA media bursaries

Issued by AMASA

Slicing and dicing the Zomato 'tomato potato' talk

Leigh Andrews

Silky yoghurt and muesli with just the right dash of crisp, zingy hollandaise sauce and sharp foodie talk - all this and more formed the basis of the first ever Zomato Editors' breakfast worldwide, held this past Tuesday, 9 June at the Glass Lounge at the Cape Milner Hotel... read more>>
Everyone's reading... their phone

Marion Scher

When people think of public relations they think 'press release'. They think of discussions with the client, research and formulating a release that will ultimately be signed off by the client and sent out to media... read more>>
The business cloud, demystified

leigh andrews

Data ownership issues, scalability and the benefit of the hybrid cloud - three of the foggiest aspects of doing business in the cloud are clarified by Laurent Dedenis, president of international operations at Acumatica... read more>>
Planning for the mobile business cloud? It's already here...

Leigh Andrews

The cloud and mobile workforce processing may seem like something new and exciting to wrap your head around, but they've been around for a while... read more>>
Times Media Live and Guzzle join the Vicinity Media family

Issued by Vicinity Media

Online Media
Is the age of the email drawing to a close?

Chris Brewer, Issued by Brewer's Advertising Data

John Brown Media proudly announces the launch of DiscoveryForMe.co.za

Issued by John Brown

Digital Out of Home: Key medium influencing the media landscape

Danette Breitenbach

In the next year, DOOH will be well-positioned to attract spend from other media channels. This is the opinion of Jacques du Preez, who believes that DOOH is going to revolutionise the OOH media landscape... read more>>
PR & Communications
[NewsMaker] Monica van der Spuy

Louise Marsland

Gauteng Bureau Head of marcusbrewster, Monica van der Spuy, has been promoted to Business Director, taking on a larger strategic management and development role across the business... read more>>
Meropa and Lange 360 Strategic Communications merge
Public relations agencies, Meropa Communications and Lange 360 Strategic Communications, have joined forces to form South Africa's largest, independent, national public relations consultancy... read more>>
Linking engagement to performance

Daniel Munslow

Employee engagement and internal communication have become top business priorities among senior executives around the world. No longer is the function seen as a 'nice to have'... read more>>
Innovation, new technology and latest digital equipment at FESPA 2015

Caroline Curry, Issued by The Clarion Group

SA director spreading local love of theatre in Canada

Leigh Andrews

It's no Comedy of Errors: South African director Clive Mathibe was picked by The Market Theatre and NAC to work on two productions featured in the Toronto Theatre in the Park spectacular... read more>>
Latest work from Sergio Henriques - Propeller Films

Issued by Propeller Films

Zinto's flash mob energises at expo

Issued by Zinto Activation Group

OFM presents... "Celeb Radio"

Issued by OFM Radio

To intern or not to intern? That is the question

Sharon Botha, Issued by Grey

Your biggest expense, or your biggest asset?

Chris Midgley, Issued by Blast Brand Catalysts

Recruitgroup recognised at the Africagrowth Institute's 2015 South Africa SMME Awards

Issued by Recruitgroup

Let your local research fly online

Leigh Andrews

Online research isn't just the next thing, it's the only thing. And if you do it right, it's more than just fast and cheap - it gives you accurate, reliable data, even in Africa... read more>>
TNS turns that 'research is stuffy' mindset on its heels, for good!

Leigh Andrews

Neil Higgs, currently holding the title of TNS' Chief Innovation Director, tells us about research being in a disruptive phase and the impact of his latest study on worldviews - Prism... read more>>
Get automation to simplify your sales and marketing functions

Leigh Andrews

No phrases strike fear into the hearts of marketers faster than 'big data' and 'programmatic media buying', but they're crucial for simplifying your work life... read more>>
How brands really grow: People change their minds

Jan Hofmeyr, Issued by TNS South Africa

Demographics and attitudes play a significant role in customer satisfaction

Issued by Ipsos

How brands really grow: It isn't only about acquisition

Jan Hofmeyr, Issued by TNS South Africa

Men forge ahead in mobile shopping
A recent mobile shopping survey, run by online retailer Spree.co.za, reveals South African men are following the international trend of shopping more via their mobile phones than their female counterparts (73% vs 67%)... read more>>
[Source Africa 2015] Wearing your heart on your sleeve

Nicci Botha

Whether shopping for something as simple as a pair of jeans or that must-have fashion item, the average consumer doesn't give much thought to where the garment came from... read more>>
Startup Grind features YDE founder, Paul Simon
Startup Grind Cape Town, part of the international entrepreneurial movement, will feature Young Designer's' Emporium (YDE) founder, Paul Simon... read more>>
E-commerce business to boom

Issued by Just Perfect

Social Media
We are entering the next phase with Pinterest and Instagram

Warren Harding

Exciting news in the social media world with two big announcements, one from Pinterest and one from Instagram... read more>>
Social media is an essential market research tool for savvy marketers

Andre Steenekamp

Market research has always had an important role to play in shaping brand strategies, from product development and customer service through to marketing and advertising... read more>>
Business and Arts South Africa strengthens international engagement with upcoming trips to Mozambique and Zambia

Issued by Business and Arts South Africa

Youth Marketing
Close up and personal with the Generation Z

Thabang Leshilo

In South Africa, our Generation Z falls into another category, that which we call 'born frees' to highlight the fact that they were born after the country attained democracy in 1994... read more>>
Talking about youth marketing, is not being about the youth

Banele Rewo

After all the conferences, seminars and talks have been attended, marketing and brand managers have drawn up graphs and scrutinised the numbers on the next sure fire formula to sell to the youth, there is one glaring deficit: Talking about it is not being about it... read more>>
Do SA's celebs pee in the pool?

Issued by HDI Youth Marketeers

Twitter CEO Costolo out as growth pressure mounts
SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Twitter chief executive Dick Costolo is surrendering his post, handing the reins back to co-founder Jack Dorsey as the popular service struggles to boost its ranks of users. read more>>
Uber game puts iPhone users behind the wheel
SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Uber released a free game Thursday that lets iPhone and iPad users test their skills as drivers for the controversial on-demand car ride service. read more>>
Think globally, act locally AND think again... Not all Austrians yodel

Monika D'Agostino

Doing business and doing it well is challenging to begin with, but widening your company's footprint and breaking into new markets is a whole different story... read more>>
Rising Stars in Media sought globally
FIPP's new global 'Rising Stars in Media' awards has been created to discover and recognise those individuals - from around the world - under the age of 30... read more>>
Matthew Bull to close his 'NY shop', Bull-White House
Time for a change of 21st Century Fox chief executive
Everyone is going to Cannes as record entries are received
More International
Wanted... the All-African CEO

Mosima Selekisho

Company executives are pragmatic about profit. They may be innovative, but they remain practical, they do what works or has good prospects of working... read more>>
More Africa
Government news
NEPAD commended on key infrastructure achievements
The 33rd NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation meeting gathered African leaders on Saturday morning, 13 June 2015, at the Sandton Convention Centre. Jacob Zuma commended NEPAD on its work and accomplishments so far... read more>>
NEPAD escalates economic growth in Africa

More Matshediso

New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee says Africa has achieved breakthroughs in various sectors, which will in a long term benefit the economy of the continent. read more>>
SA, Mozambique sign DTT agreement

Nthambeleni Gabara

MAPUTO: The agreement between South Africa and Mozambique to minimise potential radio frequency interference as a result of migrating from an analogue to a digital broadcasting system was signed on Wednesday. read more>>
The real issue behind youth unemployment in SA

Antoinette Pombo

Earlier this year, Business Day put the spotlight on the gravity of South Africa's unemployment problem. It's worse than it seems... read more>>
Inaugural Directors Event will address critical South African issues
More Government news
New business
  • Danilo Acquisto appoints urban espresso as PR agency - more info
  • Jag Communications appointed PR partners for Good Food & Wine Show - more info
  • Jam Media appointed for Fast Company South Africa and The Intrepid Explorer - more info
  • Infestation wins Cape Town Tourism account - more info
  • iGroup partners with Momentum Multiply - more info
  • Labstore South Africa attains Amka Products as client - more info

More accounts  Submit a New account
People on the move
  • O&M Cape Town appoints new executive creative director - more info
  • New head appointed at ICOM - more info
  • Susan Credle joins FCB as global chief creative officer - more info
  • NAB appoints sales manager - more info
  • Black Snow Digital appoints social media manager - more info
  • Strategic communications director appointed at marcusbrewster - more info
  • New editor appointed for The Media Magazine - more info
  • TBWA\ Digital Arts Network in Africa appoints new board member - more info
  • Management changes at Primall Media and Mallworx - more info
  • JM Busha appoints new business development manager - more info
  • Petroplan appoints regional recruitment manager for Sub-Saharan Africa - more info
  • Charlie Fripp joins Farmyard Organics - more info

More people  Submit a Person
Jobs offered
Midweight PHP Developer - Cape Town
Itopia Interactive is looking for a PHP developer to join our studio and build great online experiences. Bring your coding genius to our temple of digital creativity! Read more >>

Senior Front-End Developer - Cape Town
Itopia is looking for a senior front-end developer to help us build exceptional user experiences. Read more >>

Web Developer - Durban
Carshop.co.zaWe are looking for a highly-motivated web developer to join a digital marketing agency. Needs to be a strong WordPress developer with experience in customising themes, plugins and widgets. Read more >>

Creative Strategist - Johannesburg
LIVE+LIVE+, the connected activation agency, is looking for a talented and creative strategist. Bring your ability to think, create, do, to this small, vibrant, dynamic agency of the future. Read more >>

Senior Account Manager - Cape Town
Put your CRM, DM and account management skills to work on a diverse and rewarding client portfolio. Read more >>

Business Analysts - Cape Town
NXT\NXT\ Digital Innovation is looking for senior business analysts to join its award winning full service integrated digital agency. Read more >>

Marketing Manager - Cape Town
A key role in planning and implementing annual marketing plans, driving the strategic and tactical marketing initiatives on We Are Africa, Africa's leading luxury travel trade event. Read more >>

Digital Projects Coordinator - Cape Town
NXT\NXT\ Digital Innovation require skilled digital project coordinators to join our project office team. Someone who thrives under pressure, thinks fast on their feet and loves solving problems. Read more >>

Commercial and Operations Manager - Cape Town
Publicis MachineWe're looking for an experienced and passionate Cape Town-based commercial and operations manager to work on the loyalty programs and rewards campaigns we run in the Incentiv division. Read more >>

Marketing Manager - Trade and Partnerships - Cape Town
Cape Town Tourism currently seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced marketing manager - trade and partnerships. Applications close: 19 June 2015 Read more >>

Online Graphics Designer - Johannesburg
Dis-Chem is recruiting a driven web graphic designer to create design layouts, online media banners, online catalogues, landing pages, etc. Previous web design experience within the retail industry required. Read more >>

Junior Digital Analyst - Durban
DigitLabDigitLab is looking for a junior digital analyst who will be tasked with producing custom client reports that provide strategic marketing insight, quantitative data analysis, and actionable recommendations. Read more >>

SEO Strategist - Countrywide
Wicked mid-level specialist SEO role at Cape Town's coolest digital agency. Do you have a minimum of three years' specialist SEO experience? This could be your dream job! Read more >>

Online Store Manager - Johannesburg
Dis-Chem has an opportunity available for an online store manager responsible for everything relating to the online store. Previous experience in a similar role essential. SAP would be beneficial. Read more >>

Junior Account Executive/Admin Assistant - Cape Town
Seeking a crackerjack junior account executive/admin assistant to help with the day to day implementation of client accounts and admin needed to keep our office running smoothly. Read more >>

Sales and Marketing Internship - Cape Town
Award winning New York and Cape Town based startup, Springleap, seeks energetic sales and marketing intern to work with the Cape Town team on SA's first trend reports. Read more >>

Digital and Content Team Lead - Johannesburg
We're looking for a dynamic digital PR and content team lead to join in on our adventure and reap the rewards a bold, independent young female-led agency offers. Read more >>

Regional Marketing and Communications Manager - Johannesburg
Marketing and Communications PRISA certified manager experienced in African market. Must have strong management executive experience. Brand management, membership development, events, budgets, projects, social media, writing skills, design and production exposure Read more >>

Junior/Midweight Designer - Johannesburg
Join the awesome design team at Blue Apple in Parkhurst as a junior/midweight to work on BTL material and publications. CS5 a must. Read more >>

Account Director - Johannesburg
EXP is looking for an account director to manage a sponsorship portfolio. Good experience in client service, budgeting and project management is key. Read more >>

Graphic Designer - Pretoria
Graphic designer. Keen understanding of layout, design elements, typography, balance, white space, colour. Adobe Creative Suite two+ years experience and graphic design skills. Send CV and portfolio to debrastander@gmail.com. Read more >>

Email Campaign Manager - Cape Town
Seeking an email campaign manager to help us deliver exceptional creative and performance driven email campaigns. Read more >>

New events to diarise
Demystify Social Media - 24 Jun 2015, Johannesburg
Increase the impact of what you do by learning how to effectively use social media tools to market your organisation or yourself at our one-day social media course. Read more >>

Wits Radio Days Africa - 1 Jul 2015 to 3 Jul 2015, Johannesburg
The annual radio conference will bring together top international speakers for an in-depth look at issues facing the medium as it faces massive change. Read more >>

TEDxCT Salon - Youth Day 2015
TEDxCapeTown - 16 Jun 2015, Cape Town

Freebie Fridays - Blogging and writing for the web
Shift ONE digital marketing agency - 19 Jun 2015, Cape Town

Freebie Fridays - Intro to Facebook and Twitter
Shift ONE digital marketing agency - 19 Jun 2015, Cape Town

Proposal writing
PRISA - 23 Jun 2015 to 24 Jun 2015, Johannesburg

Afreakan Dream
Afreakan Dream - 24 Jun 2015, Johannesburg

Freebie Fridays - Intro to PR and digital PR
Shift ONE digital marketing agency - 26 Jun 2015, Cape Town

Freebie Fridays - Intro to effective web design
Shift ONE digital marketing agency - 26 Jun 2015, Cape Town

Kick-start your professional network with LinkedIn
Continuing Education at Univ of Pta Trust - 3 Sep 2015, Pretoria

Upcoming events
Customer experience workshop - Cape Town
The Focus Group - 18 Jun 2015 to 19 Jun 2015, Cape Town

Africa's Big Seven
Exhibition Management Services (Pty) Ltd - 21 Jun 2015 to 23 Jun 2015, Johannesburg

Red & Yellow Mobile Marketing course
Red and Yellow School - 22 Jun 2015 to 3 Aug 2015, Countrywide

Advanced negotiation skills
Maurice Kerrigan Africa - 22 Jun 2015 to 24 Jun 2015, Johannesburg

Albert Einstein
"You never fail until you stop trying."
William Feather
"Temporary success can be achieved in spite of lack of other fundamental qualities, but no advancements can be maintained without hard work."
Bernie Siegel
"True inspiration overrides all fears. When you are inspired, you enter a trance state and can accomplish things that you may never have felt capable of doing."
Thomas A. Edison
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."
Benjamin Carson
"No matter how good you are at planning, the pressure never goes away. So I don't fight it. I feed off it. I turn pressure into motivation to do my best."

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Biz press office welcome

DMX has opened a press office on Bizcommunity.com!
DMX is a global leader in the development and engineering of audio branding. Using the right music and a scientific, research- based methodology we create engaging customer environments, motivate staff and build brands.

Biz recruiter welcome

DeVere Investments South Africa has opened a recruiter listing on Bizcommunity.com!
DeVere Investments South Africa
deVere South Africa aims to provide UK expatriates residing in South Africa with trusted, expert and - perhaps most importantly - bespoke financial advice.

MULTIMEDIAAll | Galleries | Audio | Video | Images
Episode 135: Whiskey Live Showroom, E-commerce enabled with Efinity and Purposeful marketing.

Don't wait for great opportunities, seize common everyday activities and make them into great experiences. - @LollyDaskal #leadership - Mon Jun 15
Meet ArachnobeeA, the world's first Zero G drone via memeburn http://t.co/QGgPVQPBLr - Mon Jun 15
Article: When Will Mobile Marketers Move Beyond Basic Measurement? http://t.co/IVkdStnkMm - Mon Jun 15
Diversification of the economy may be the best guide to future smaller city growth: http://t.co/t91Zgpb6YZ - Mon Jun 15
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