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Marketing & Media South Africa

Giving print a bad name

Chris Moerdyk has an issue with a newspaper article and magazine opinion piece as examples of how newspapers and magazines are giving print a bad name, while namesake Chris Brewer asks whether you're ready to attend the AMPS LSM funeral. As he says, "Hands up all those people who think they know what an LSM is and actually use this to define target markets, plan media schedules - or anything else, for that matter..."

Then, Leigh Andrews writes on one of the biggest topics affecting the local marketing industry today - the epic impact of global-local acquisitions and mergers. She spoke to Elian Wiener, founder and CEO of Epic Communications - recently acquired by Publicis Groupe - on the subject.

Louise Marsland, in her regular column [TrendTalk], asks whether the 'Internet of Things' is the biggest marketing trend for the next five years, while Danette Breitenbach finds that there is more to paper than you might think.

Happy reading!

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Weekly top stories

Why newspapers and magazines are giving print a bad name
[Chris Moerdyk] Print is by no means dead. Far from it. The growing perception that it is dying falls squarely on those newspapers and magazines that seem to have some kind of death wish... read more>>

Should you attend the AMPS LSM funeral?
[Chris Brewer] Hands up all those people who think they know what an LSM is and actually use this to define target markets, plan media schedules - or anything else, for that matter... read more>>

The epic impact of global-local acquisitions and mergers

Leigh Andrews

Independent agencies are few and far between. Elian Wiener, founder and CEO of Epic Communications - recently acquired by Publicis Groupe - tells us about the benefits of being an 'acquired agency'...


[TrendTalk] 2020 marketing vision

Louise Marsland

Is the 'Internet of Things' the biggest marketing trend for the next five years? International research shows that marketers and CEOs are prioritising the Internet of Things and believe it will have the biggest impact on marketers by 2020...


More than a matter of curiosity

Danette Breitenbach

Describing a paper as 'revolutionary' might seem a bit extreme. However, in the case of an avant-garde' paper, Curious Matter, the claim is substantiated...


Loeries Creative Week Durban
[Loeries 2015] Dates, prices and more...
This year's Loerie Awards are being held in Durban in August to best make use of the weather - that means you may have less time than you thought to sort out your entries, accommodation and ticket purchases... read more>>
Design Indaba
Winners at the Design Indaba Expo 2015
This year, Design Indaba Expo 2015 welcomed a mix of over 600 creatives from across the African continent and a full Events Arena programme hosting local and international designers, authors and artists... read more>>
[Behind the Selfie]... with Heidi Brauer

Leigh Andrews

This week, we find out what's really going on behind the selfie with Heidi Brauer, chief marketing officer at Hollard... read more>>
Maximising customer conversations across today's complex media landscape

Ian Drummond

Since their customers today live in a multichannel world, brands need to think carefully about how they will use different touchpoints in combination with each other to maximise opportunities to engage with their audiences... read more>>
Six traps that will lose you market share

Sid Peimer

In physics, the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - it can just change from one form to another. However... read more>>
IMC Durban Conference taking place March

Issued by Integrated Marketing Communication Conference

Content and culture

DK Badenhorst, Issued by Foreword

Make your on-pack information count

Issued by Pyrotec

Seven traits marketing maestros have in common

Issued by The RSVP Agency

LSE selects TLC Marketing as an inspirational company for Britain in 2015

Issued by TLC Marketing Worldwide

BSK Marketing hosts PPC Stokvel Programme in Sebokeng

Issued by BSK Marketing

Skype's growing and engaged SA community offers marketing opportunity to local brands
South Africa's large Skype community - 1.5 million users and growing - offers advertisers access to one of the country's most deeply engaged and active digital audiences... read more>>
The plight of the ABF and why it needs your help

Leigh Andrews

The ABF hosts many fun events, but do you know where the funds raised actually go, and how they could actually benefit you in a time of crisis? Read on... read more>>
[Orchids & Onions] One-of-a-kind feeling is a reason to smile

Brendan Seery

Launching as it did a bare fortnight after State of the Nation-induced depression descended like a dark cloud over the middle class, Santam's new ad about the "uniqueness" of South Africa was always going to be a risk... read more>>
Actual impact, not cost per thousand

Claudelle Naidoo

These days, consumers upload breaking news stories, videos and more online and make them viral before journalists even gets to them... read more>>
Pendoring Awards announces big prize for best Afrikaans advertisement
Orange Babies "Borrowed Time"

Issued by Fresh Eye Films

What we do for our advertisers to ensure visibility of your ads

Issued by DQ&A Media Group

Ireland/Davenport #TheDress campaign becomes a global phenomenon

Issued by Ireland/Davenport

So you think you know brands?

John Laurence

Try this little exercise. Without peeking at a phone or laptop in your vicinity, draw an outline of the Apple logo... read more>>
Challenges facing B2B enterprises

Mark Eardley

Differentiation: why it pays to be different... read more>>
Clarion Retail brands Audi showrooms

Issued by The Clarion Group

Do once customer-driven companies need to lose their customer focus?

Aki Kalliatakis

Looking at all companies, at some stage in their history they were fantastic with customers - and then lost their way. We need to question whether the pressure to produce profit is so forceful... read more>>
Zinto is making job creation its business

Issued by Zinto Activation Group

New desktop website for OLX
The site has launched a new desktop website including added search function technology; additional categories; a unique 'Favourites' list, making buying far simpler; and a sleeker design... read more>>
Wear the Apple, rather than eat it...
Rumours flew every which way before the global launch of the Apple Watch this week. Memeburn covered all angles of expectations and local realities... read more>>
'Nice work, Nicework' on the Retroviral rebrand

Leigh Andrews

It's a bold move for a brand-building company to go for a rebrand of its own. Retroviral agency founder Mike Sharman explains how they got it right by using Nicework agency... read more>>
Rich media: The new digital currency

Daniel Schmidt, Issued by Mark 1

Digital media is changing the way businesses inform their audiences. Rich media, the 'new kid on the block' in display advertising, has a big role to play in this regard... read more>>
Five things the Apple Watch and today's new-age office space have in common

Linda Trim

Five digital video trends to keep an eye on in 2015
One Digital Media - audio service

Issued by One Digital Media

iProspect SA wins gold at the Dentsu Aegis Network Global Innovation Awards

Issued by iProspect

Life in standard definition

Christian Horsfall, Issued by NATIVE VML

Education & Training
Seed Academy offers programme for developing entrepreneurs
Seed Academy, the school for entrepreneurs has broadened its training offering from a focus on startups to developing entrepreneurs of small and micro businesses... read more>>
Events & Conferencing
[Death to PowerPoint!] Part 2: Ten presentation structures to replace those slides

Douglas Kruger

In my previous article, we used scientific methodology to establish that PowerPoint now outnumbers Homo sapiens, has become sentient and self-perpetuating. Happily, there are alternatives... read more>>
Meet the speaker: Dr Maria Phalime

Issued by Speakers Inc

That last 10% makes a corporate event succeed or fail

Issued by Chris Moerdyk

Battle of the Behemoths at Rand Show 2015

Issued by The Rand Show

#MINI5Door awakens the senses through Layar Augmented Reality

Issued by Digital Narrative

Saving time, money and the environment with reusable exhibition elements

Issued by Scan Display

The impact of data

Jaco Pienaar

Mark Twain might have said that you get lies, damned lies, and statistics, but the new information age means more journalists are writing articles based on data than ever... read more>>
Rand Daily Mail News Wire launching end of March
Chris Whitfield joins Tenfour Media

Issued by Tenfour

Desiree Oliphant appointed Account Director at Kagiso Media

Issued by Kagiso Media

Mobile payments' perceived insecurity

Anton Vukic

Mobile methods of payment first came on the scene around ten years ago. At first, adoption was slow, as mobile technology was not on the level it needed to be to support the functions needed... read more>>
Targeting customers in emerging markets?

Issued by Justpalm

Media analysts sceptical over launch of third news agency
The launch of a third commercial newswire agency to replace the nonprofit independent South African Press Association (Sapa) has led to criticism... read more>>
Online Media
Connecting young SA

Issued by The Citizen

Netwerk24 introduces new daily broadcast - #topstories

Issued by 24.com

News24Wire launches 1 April 2015

Issued by 24.com

New audience measurement for OOH, through newly formed council
The OMC (Out of Home Measurement Council) is a non-profit, joint industry committee (JIC) to provide buyers of OOH media with a currency and survey that allows for efficient and accurate OOH planning... read more>>
Sub-Saharan African consumers connect with Coke via Continental Outdoors' Ignite screens

Issued by Continental Outdoor

A brand new e.tv prime time

Issued by Primedia Outdoor

Transit environments are evolving, so are shopping habits

Jean Coetzee, Issued by Provantage Media Group

The Marketing Kraal drives awareness for Ashes to Ashes

Issued by The Marketing Kraal

PR & Communications
Tips to communicate more effectively

Neville De Lucia

Mastering communication skills can improve your professional image and expand your authority... read more>>
When getting PR on a trending topic goes very right and very wrong

Jess Mouneimne

Two major pieces of news went viral this month, the Cape Town fires and the colour of that (white and gold) dress... read more>>
How to write persuasive messages

James Hurford

Persuasive copy should always grab the reader's attention, secure their interest, stimulate their desire for the goods or service, and lastly, motivate them to take action... read more>>
Five reasons governments need PR practitioners with agency experience

Thabiso Dlamini

We have witnessed public relations roles pop up at a rapid pace within government departments, yet innovation and the effective use of new media platforms have taken a back seat... read more>>
Global brand Pizza Hut teams up with Verve! to satisfy the local South African palate

Issued by Verve

Peruvian ambassador honours IPRA President for 2015
Two experts in different fields to speak at IPRA World Congress 2015
The soft and fluffy stuff - soft skills

Issued by CoreXalance

Typek makes its mark at schools

Issued by Sappi

Say hello to Howard Audio

Issued by Howard Music

SAMAs give Kyle Lewis the perfect birthday present

Issued by Arcade Content

Join PEG Gauteng for its second "nitty-gritty" workshop of 2015
Taking place on 28 March 2015, the workshop is designed to tackle the thorny questions of copyright and the principles and procedures of obtaining permissions... read more>>
Inn (OFM) vation

Issued by OFM Radio

OFM says goodbye to stalwart presenters

Issued by OFM Radio

Algoa Live concert rocks PE

Issued by Algoa FM

Networking steps to career success
We've all heard the saying, 'it's not what you know, but who you know'... read more>>
Be wary of recruitment agencies asking for money
Re-entering the job market after many years of employment or entering the job market for the very first time can be daunting... read more>>
You're hired! Now what?

Issued by Recruitgroup

Finally, a trend-spotting report for South Africa, by South Africans

Remon Geyser, Issued by Springleap

Own a Cash Crusaders franchise

Issued by Saatchi & Saatchi Synergize

Social Media
Social media a correct source of information?

Marion Scher

Just recently, we've seen the absurdity of taking what we read on social media as factual. Well, some of us have seen it - not so much others, such as our State Security Agency (SSA)... read more>>
Facebook connects feisty females for International Women's Day

Leigh Andrews

Here's how her involvement with the #IAmALiberianNotAVirus hashtag got Shoana Solomon involved in this weekend's 'Facebook Stories celebrated on International Women's Day' movement... read more>>
Why SA companies must start focusing on social media as a service channel

Gordon Geldenhuys, Issued by 25AM

Media Freedom & Right to Know
R2K up in arms over FPB's internet censorship proposals
The Right2Know Campaign has called on the public to reject the Film and Publications Board's (FPB) proposals to censor the internet in South Africa... read more>>
First M-Net Magic in Motion interns selected
The names of the first 12 interns for the M-Net Magic in Motion Academy have been announced. This is a 12-month long accelerated work readiness programme... read more>>
African business reporting in the spotlight

Leigh Andrews

If you thought the state of business in Africa was stagnant, think again. Lerato Mbele, Presenter of Africa Business Report on BBC World News, tells us about its vibrancy... read more>>
Reporter mugged - live
NEWSWATCH: Not something you would expect to see on live TV... An SABC reporter and his team were mugged, on camera, during an outside broadcast... (Video) read more>>
Youth Marketing
Millennials and the multi-generational workforce

Arno Kemp

Millennials (born roughly between 1981 and 2000) are often depicted as entitled, lazy, disrespectful, and even narcissistic, but we need to question whther that's really an accurate portrayal... read more>>
Is South Africa differentiating itself from Africa for the wrong reasons?

Antoinette Pombo

Why is it that South Africans have adopted a culture of expecting handouts? Contrary to common belief, handouts are not an inherent African ethos... read more>>
Ad showcase
Old Mutual: Responsible Business
Old Mutual: Responsible Business - Ornico
Santam: One of a kind
Santam: One of a kind - Ornico
Netflorist: Valentine's Day
Netflorist: Valentine's Day - Ornico
More ads
China's ambitious IT sector lays claim to global role
HANOVER, GERMANY: China's huge IT sector is out in force in Germany this week, signalling to the world it is ready to not just copy but lead as a tech superpower... read more>>
Yahoo sees 'end-to-end' email encryption by year-end
WASHINGTON DC, US: Yahoo said Sunday it plans to introduce "end-to-end encryption" for email this year to boost privacy protection for users concerned about snooping from governments or hackers... read more>>
World News Publishing Focus examines media trends around the globe
PARIS, FRANCE / FRANKFURT, GERMANY: Will 2015 see native advertising become the breakthrough revenue model for online news media? Are print sales going to stabilise...? read more>>
Dubai Lynx announces 2015 Winners
DUBAI, UAE: The Dubai Lynx International Festival of Creativity has culminated in the much-anticipated Awards Ceremony... read more>>
First South African on Cannes Creative Effectiveness panel
CANNES, FRANCE: Andy Rice is the first South African to join the Creative Effectiveness judging panel for the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. read more>>
Women's Wear Daily to become weekly
Cubs back at Cannes
New contest offers $10,000 for start-ups
US charges filed in largest internet breach on record
CLIO Healthcare Awards open for entries
More International
PR-Net rolls out events, suppliers lists
In the Western Cape, PR-Net has two events coming up. On 31 March, PR-Net Trade, in partnership with Publicity SA, hosts a 'Meet Your Media' event and the other, on 8 April 2015, has Chicago's Mike Santoro of PROI Walker Sands talking on 'Adapt or Die'... read more>>
Government news
Solar water heating delay hurts investments

Linda Ensor

The Department of Energy freeze on rolling out the solar water heating programme has created an uncertain environment that has deterred investors, Parliament heard on Wednesday, 11 March... read more>>
Condolences pour in for Minister Chabane
Condolences continued to pour in from all corners of the country on Sunday as news of the passing away of Public Service and Administration Minister Collins Chabane spread... read more>>
Is SA ready to be a knowledge economy?

Richard Firth

While government initiatives set to improve the country's science and technology output are laudable, the question must be asked: is SA ready to transition to a knowledge-based economy?... read more>>
Education gets lion's share of Limpopo budget
The Limpopo Department of Education received the biggest portion of the 2015/16 provincial budget tabled by MEC Alfred Phala at the legislature in Lebowakgomo on Tuesday... read more>>
Young money - a view from the youth

Mbongeleni Hlomuka

Shortly after the delivery of the 2015 budget speech by Finance Minister Nene, I attended quite an interesting session hosted by one of the most informative TV channels in our continent known as CNBC Africa. This forum was meant to examine the youth's perspective regarding the speech... read more>>
Government acknowledges seriousness of waste problem
Eskom to commission an inquiry
A million registrations for .za
Tax benefits of public-private partnerships

Graeme Palmer

More Government news
Motoring news
The C1 has got the looks

Henrie Geyser: motoring editor

The new C1 Citroen is the prettiest of the three virtually identical motoring triplets who share the same engine, mechanical set-up, body parts and chassis but have individual exterior looks and living quarters... read more>>
More Motoring news
Travel news
Arabella... love at first sight...

Brian Berkman

What's not to love about 113 hectares of pristine fynbos...? read more>>
More Travel news
New accounts
  • South African community news agency is launched - more info
  • Hansa Pilsener appoints Ogilvy Cape Town - more info
  • Livewired Public Relations wins MolenVliet - more info
  • The Teddy Bear Clinic partners with Pink Peppercorn Marketing - more info

More accounts  Submit a New account
People on the move
  • Sport sales aficionado joins The SpaceStation - more info
  • New GM for Fiera Milano Exhibitions Africa - more info
  • Managing director global business development appointed for Ogilvy PR - more info
  • New business director of Saints Branding - more info
  • Atmosphere Communications appoints new director - more info
  • New appointments for Open Learning Group - more info
  • Paola Masullo appointed as a business unit director at McCann Johannesburg

More people  Submit a Person
Jobs offered
Art Director - Durban
Our creative team's looking for a dreamer with drive. Someone combining ambition, talent and a penchant for spinning straw into gold. We're going places. Go there with us. Read more >>

Head of Creative Recruitment - Cape Town
The Talent Boom Cape Town is looking for a head of creative recruitment. Come and join us! Read more >>

Front-End Developer - Johannesburg
Experienced front-end developer who eats, sleeps and lives digital and is obsessed with producing pixel perfect, award-winning work on deadline and under pressure. Read more >>

Account Manager - Cape Town
Wynberg - Cape Town. Temporary account manager - four months to work on alcohol, furniture, toiletries and education brands in a busy, productive office. Read more >>

Writer/Copywriter/Blogger - Johannesburg
Junior writer/copywriter/blogger with attention to detail, excellent writing skills and interest in current affairs and business required for consultancy in the personal finance and healthcare space. Read more >>

Senior SEO Specialist - Cape Town
WWC is looking for a senior SEO specialist to join a dynamic search marketing team in Cape Town. The ideal candidate is a strategically minded team player. Read more >>

Mid-Snr PHP Web Developer - Cape Town
As one of our key developers, you'll be required to create large scale/enterprise level web applications and produce digital solutions of the highest standard. Read more >>

Social Media and Community Manager - Cape Town
Creative digital and PR agency in need of strategic copywriter for social media and community management. Needs to have agency experience and a passion for digital communication. Read more >>

Project Manager - Cape Town
You're passionate about design and love to see great work being implemented and delivered through your effective project management skills. Your make it happen attitude is an inspiration. Read more >>

Digital Account Executive - Johannesburg
Mark 1 is a technology-driven and creatively focused digital media business. We are hiring an RTB account manager to join their programmatic ad operations team. Read more >>

Designer - Publications - Cape Town
Design studio in Cape Town, southern suburbs, specialising in publication design and production solutions for almost 20 years is looking for an experienced creative publishing designer to join the team. Read more >>

Sales Executive - Cape Town
Everlytic is looking for a young, dynamic go-getter in their sales department to grow and build relationships with new customers. Read more >>

Creditors and Debtors Clerk - Johannesburg
Busy image library seeks debtors/creditors clerk in the accounts department. Duties include creditors recons, creditors queries, calling debtors and other general administrative tasks. Minimum two years' relevant experience. Read more >>

Receptionist/Administrative Assistant - Johannesburg
Image library seeks receptionist to answer switchboard and manage front desk. Duties include coordinating driver's schedule, general office admin and administrative tasks for the sales team. Read more >>

Market Research Executive - Cape Town
We are looking for a market research executive to join our small, growing B2B research team. Send CV if you are passionate about research and looking for an exciting challenge. Read more >>

Creative Designer - Johannesburg
We are looking for a talented and experienced digital creative designer to apply for this great opportunity as a creative at So Interactive digital agency. Read more >>

Programme Coordinator - Cape Town
Job opportunity - internship coordinator. Do you have exposure to internship/volunteering programmes? Are you organised with strong negotiation skills? Do you have recruitment experience, or worked with NGOs? Read more >>

Online Publishing Assistant - Cape Town
Position available at respected online publisher primarily in customer support, but also requiring excellent proofreading and sub-editing skills. Read more >>

Community Manager - Durban
Millions of people are consumers, social media consumers. We are looking for content creators. People with ideas that grow up to become Tweets, Posts, Vines, Instagrams. What's your username? Read more >>

Assistant Marketing - Events and Admin - Johannesburg
Enter the exciting and fast-moving craft beer industry - arranging marketing, events and admin for Copperlake Brewing Co Brewpub in Broadacres. Read more >>

Project Installation Manager - Cape Town
We are looking for an outstanding individual with proven project management skills to join our team on a temporary contract basis. Read more >>

Head - Digital Media - Cape Town
Stellenbosch University currently seeks to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced head: digital media (Ref. KB/076/0315). Applications close: 31 March 2015 Read more >>

New events to diarise
Design for digital media - 17 Mar 2015 to 7 Jul 2015, Johannesburg
The course covers principles of designing for interaction and behaviour, teaches specific processes and methods, as well as grant an understanding of channels and mediums in which digital design lives. Read more >>

Social media communications management - 19 Mar 2015 to 4 Jun 2015, Johannesburg
The course is perfect for anyone interested in online reputation management, or anyone involved in managing the social profile of a brand, be it a company or a personal project. Read more >>

How to succeed in the low-income market - 15 Apr 2015 to 16 Apr 2015, Johannesburg
This unique event will share fresh insights about the entry-level market and provide solutions and tactics on how to engage with these consumers and succeed at the Bottom of Pyramid. Read more >>

Digital marketing workshop
Ipcoweb - 17 Mar 2015, Johannesburg | 24 Mar 2015, Johannesburg | 31 Mar 2015, Johannesburg

Public Relations boot camp
Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business - 26 Mar 2015, Pietermaritzburg

Stakeholder reputation management
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 9 Apr 2015 to 10 Apr 2015, Johannesburg

Social media workshop
Quo Vadis Communications - 13 May 2015, Johannesburg

Executive Think Tank 2015
nlighten - 14 May 2015, Johannesburg

Forging Enterprise and INSME
MCI South Africa - 26 May 2015 to 28 May 2015, Cape Town

Mobile Business Seminar
Knowledge Integration Web (Pty) Ltd - 28 May 2015, Windhoek

Upcoming events
Dik Veenman - Conversational leadership workshop - 18 Mar 2015, Cape Town | 19 Mar 2015, Centurion
In Context brings you another SA first: Internationally acclaimed thought leader Dik Veenman on conversational leadership. Read more >>

Homecoming Revolution Speed Meet Africa - 20 Mar 2015 to 21 Mar 2015, London
The Africa Expo showcases careers, property, schools, relocation services, products, investments and entrepreneurial opportunities in sub-Saharan African countries. Read more >>

Marketing for mom-owned business
LIFT Marketing Brand Elevation Specialists - 18 Mar 2015, Cape Town | 20 Mar 2015, Cape Town | 21 Mar 2015, Cape Town

Showcase #csi15
Conference Speakers International - 18 Mar 2015, Fourways, Johannesburg

Employer branding masterclass 2015
Employer Branding South Africa - 19 Mar 2015, Cape Town | 26 Mar 2015, Cape Town

Engage 2015: Online impact workshop
Digital4Christ - 19 Mar 2015, Cape Town

Jeannette Walls
"It was good work, the kind of work that let you sleep soundly at night and, when you awoke, look forward to the day."
Margaret Thatcher
"Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan."
Jason Fried
"What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan."
Alief Moulana
"Easy and difficult things are just small parts of life, the rest are what have to be done."
Geoff Colvin
"What you really believe about the source of great performance thus becomes the foundation of all you will ever achieve."

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Biz press office welcome
The following companies have opened press offices on Bizcommunity.com!
Nudge is SA's fastest growing online market research company. We are experts at digital market research and specifically Branded Insight Communities and Branded Short-term Panels. Our entire approach is refreshingly disruptive. Our clients need information quickly in order to make decisions. That's why we have designed our entire business around rapid insight delivery.

Saatchi & Saatchi Synergize
Saatchi & Saatchi Synergize is a certified Google Analytics Partner, utilising Google-approved methods to enhance visibility for our clients. Our team is comprised of industry experts who understand digital, and are focused on adhering to the latest trends for maximum client exposure.

Sumep Media
SUMEP is the leading partner in finding a solution for your brand, with our exceptional consumer promotion and effective ways of making your brand interact, educate and exit your consumers mind leaving them excited and yearning for your brand.

The Clarion Group
Clarion is a long established integrated branding solutions company that can provide our customers with a full spectrum of services ranging from design to sampling, production and printing, right through to field application services on a national basis.

How you can harness the power of the internet to create something extraordinary: http://t.co/WayakRyxpl @aaronkoblin http://t.co/7gYp4m5h8O - Mon Mar 16
Separating the rest from the best in venture partners http://t.co/ibiKRrEkgt http://t.co/uLrGdbDBlq - Mon Mar 16
RT @AP: Survey finds young adults consume more news than elders think - but not by seeking it out: http://t.co/dkvxfgbk9f - Mon Mar 16
iOS 8.2 installs 'Activity' - an app designed to worth with the Apple Watch & track movement & exercise activity: http://t.co/uY9Q5JEtpK - Mon Mar 16
What are the top 5 #socialmarketing myths of #ROI? Download eBook (sponsored by @lithiumtech) http://t.co/QOFpoi8ByB - Mon Mar 16
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