Pistorius pix... police paparazzi: Police pounce
NEWSWATCH: It has come to light that police confiscated the cellphones of 45 officials for images taken after Oscar Pistorius' arrest, reports The Citizen.
For more:
- The Citizen: Pistorius police cellphones confiscated - report... The Citizen quotes The Star as reporting that 45 police officials had their cellphones confiscated after it came to light that they had taken pictures of the track star after his arrest.
That was a bit dof, wasn't it? It tends to indicate that if they - all 45 of them - are capable of this sort of thing then they are either unaware of the legal aspects, or they simply don't care. Either way, some training and/or a little extra discipline might do some good.
It's probably safe to assume that perhaps in most cases their 'entrepreneurial spirit' kicked in and they figured they might be able to make a bit of extra tom on the side.