'Library on a phone' mobi network boosts reading
Through its 'library on a phone' mobi network, comprised of a responsive mobisite and Mxit app, FunDza is constantly creating, publishing and disseminating locally-written books, stories, poetry and plays that make young people want to read. As a result, it is popularising reading, growing communities of readers and developing young writing talent.
Only 8% of schools in South Africa have libraries. This, coupled with the fact that books are expensive, is contributing to illiteracy.
So far, more than 13,000 books have been sent out to over 200 organisations nationwide. What's more, its 'virtual' reading club reaches thousands of young South Africans each day. For its use of design to transform lives, FunDza Mobi Network has been recognised as a WDC 2014 project.
"What drives us is a love of reading, a passion to help young people reach for their dreams and a desire to contribute to the growth of educated, empowered and engaged young citizens and future leaders of South Africa," says project spokesperson Mignon Hardies.
For more information, go to http://live.fundza.mobi/.