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Youth Month Content Feature

News Marketing & Media Youth Month
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#YouthMonth: Serena-Marie Van der Nest the ‘Young One'

It was in a food aisle at a local Woolies where Serena-Marie Van der Nest had an epiphany that she wanted to become a graphic designer. The Stellenbosch BCom Marketing student decided to do a postgrad at the AAA School of Advertising's Cape Town campus, where she's now in her third year in creative brand communication, specialising in graphic design.

Her course lecturer, Ilse Muller encouraged her to enter The One Show’s Young Ones’ Portfolio Competition, which resulted in her becoming one of the first South Africans to win the Award.

I asked Van der Nest what this means to her and what now...

BizcommunityCongrats on the win! What does it mean to you?

Thank you! This Award by such a prestigious organisation proved to me that my design work is appealing to a broad and sophisticated design community. The recognition by The One Club most definitely was a boost for the confidence I have in my design capabilities and more importantly, my style of design. Attending the award ceremony in New York on 10 May was one of the proudest moments of my academic career. I was proud to be a South African, a student of AAA School of Advertising and an aspiring creative designer. This reminded me that stepping out of one’s comfort zone is truly where the adventures and joy of life lies.

BizcommunityWhy graphic design?

Graphic design opens up this amazing world of endless possibilities and opportunities. Though it requires particular skills and creativity, inspiration can be drawn from anywhere and the end product can be an inspiration to many. Graphic design is the component that brings the ideas, strategies and plans of people, businesses and organisations to life, visually. I love the fact that it ignites emotion and put actions into motion.

BizcommunityWhy did you decide to study at AAA? And tell us about the experience.

During my final year of completing a BCom Marketing degree at Stellenbosch University, I realised that I wanted to refine my skill set within the field of marketing and design. AAA School of Advertising was the best fit for what I wanted to achieve as it offered an internationally accredited degree programme, offered by known academic staff with many years of industry experience. In addition, the school is based in Cape Town, at the heart of a major design community. I draw a lot of inspiration from this environment and I have built a valuable network of designers.

AAA is well known for its high-quality education the impressive number of Loerie and Pendoring Awards its students win annually. It’s needless to say that I have had a wonderful time at AAA. I’ve learnt so much and grown as a designer in ways I wouldn't have thought possible. It’s reassuring that most design briefs are structured so that it mimics real briefs at design and advertising agencies. It starts preparing us for work life.

BizcommunityWhat are you most looking forward to in terms of your career?

  • What do you hope to achieve?

I dream of eventually starting my own business that combines the skills I have learnt in my two degrees. I want it to be a place where people are able to push creative boundaries, but without the pressure of what the world says is creative. Not only would I like it to be a creative hub, but a place that brings about change through the work it produces and the jobs it creates.

  • Where do you see yourself in the next few years?

    Getting work experience at a game-changing agency where I hone my skills and develop a stronger creative voice. I would also love an opportunity to work overseas and bring international experience to South Africa.

  • Where do you hope to work?

    A dynamic agency that produces cutting-edge graphic design work and that would be able to provide a place for me to pursue what I mentioned before. I would like to work in an environment that encourages independent thinking, but also dynamic team work. I hope to work at a design and advertising agency that has a focus on innovation and is involved in exciting projects. The ideal company for me to work for is medium to large in size with an international presence and an office in Johannesburg. I would like to work as part of design teams for both local and international clients.
  • BizcommunityWhat motivates/inspires you?

    Every day there is something different that is inspiring or motivating. I try and find the small things that matter in life. It’s normally there that something inspires me.

    The support structure of family and friends also serves as a massive role for motivation. Without having their confidence boosts and motivation, I probably wouldn't be where I am today.

    BizcommunityWhich social media channel is your favourite?


    BizcommunityWhat is your favourite emoji and/or most-used hashtag?

    I have two emojis I normally use. Definitely the monkey with his hands in his face, the arm that flexes (normally used for motivation or ‘we can do this’).

    BizcommunityAs a young South African, what, in your opinion, is the significance of Youth Month in 2017?

    More so than ever before, Youth Month is incredibly important to celebrate what the youth has done to contribute towards a better South Africa. It is also, however, even more important to recognise the increasing lead to provide adequate opportunities for our youth to secure their dreams and make a future.

    BizcommunityWhat advice would you give to other young creatives starting out in their careers?

    To work hard, to know you don't know everything and to have fun because without that it’s just another job.

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    Click through to the Awards gallery.

    About Jessica Tennant

    Jess is Senior Editor: Marketing & Media at She is also a contributing writer. moc.ytinummoczib@swengnitekram
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