How AI is shaping the ransomware threat landscape
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Unfortunately, these attacks show no signs of slowing. If anything, they are getting worse. We estimate that the use of alternative ransomware, especially DDoS and IoT ransomware, will keep on growing in the near future, as IoT devices and web services continue to become more widespread.
One of the key factors driving the shift to ransomware is one of communications. Ransomware does not require an open line of communication after the infection. After the files are encrypted, it becomes the victim’s responsibility to follow the directions in the ransom note to find the attacker in the TOR anonymised underground and complete the transaction.
There is no additional action required by the attacker, and the motivation to complete the payment is entirely on the victim if they wish to retrieve their files. These type of advantages and the resulting revenues have driven the popularity of ransomware.
One of the reasons ransomware is getting past the defences of many organisations is that attackers have upgraded different aspects of ransomware to make it much more evasive. Traditional security products, such as antivirus and other signature-based protections, are fundamentally backwards-looking – they detect either previously seen malware or specific behaviours seen in previous attacks. Ransomware has found various methods to avoid detection and successfully infect computers. One of these methods is to embed ransomware inside slightly different versions of common documents, such as Word, Excel, PDF — but by changing the content it is packaged with the attachment no longer matches known hashes.
Modern ransomware is capable of reaching beyond an individual user’s system, damaging large portions of an organisation’s data through a single infection.
In the war against ransomware, there are a number of things you can do to prevent becoming a victim. Following these best practices can be a critical component in avoiding ransomware attacks and can help minimise the damage caused by a successful ransomware campaign against your organisation.
While preventing ransomware is the ideal scenario, knowing what to do in the event of a ransomware attack, and implementing tools capable of identifying an incident and containing ransomware infections can mean the difference between losing one computer and a more extensive infection.
If you are prepared for attacks through unprotected channels, detecting the ransomware within your network and blocking any communication between the ransomware and its command and control server using anti-bot technology will limit, and possibly block, its ability to operate.
Once you have managed to contain the ransomware, it is important to treat the whole infection and remediate the attack. Attacks must be dealt with as a whole, and protections must be implemented to keep it from reoccurring elsewhere.