Uber introduces UberPaws, in parternship with the SA Guide Dogs Association
On 3 June, at the tap of a button, Uber will send out Guide Dogs in training and their raisers to the people of Johannesburg for only R100 between 10:30am to 1:30pm. All 'fares' go to SA Guide-Dogs Association.
GDA relies on volunteers for raisers so UberPAWS will only be available in Johannesburg but you can go to guidedog.org.za to find out how you can help raise guide dogs in SA and to donate money to the association.
The fine print:
- • It’s R100 for 15 minutes of pooch playtime, and every rand from your visit is donated directly to GDA. What's more - we'll be donating a percentage of our May trips to the association, as part of our UberGIVING initiative.
• These cute canines will be in very high demand and availability will be limited, so please be patient.
• You must enter the promo code PAWSZA to unlock the unique UberPAWS view.
• Unique views take up to 30 minutes to activate. They function exactly the same as the uberX view, with no hidden costs.