Ster-Kinekor upgrades Northgate theatres
27 Aug 2013
Subtitled movies for the deaf
28 Jan 2011
[2011 trends] 3D in cinema: host of new opportunities
Fiaz Mahomed 19 Jan 2011
In addition to digital cinema hardware, all of the cinema's 59 sites will be installed with AAM's proprietary TMS software, Screenwriter, to efficiently manage all digital screens and content.
CEO of Ster-Kinekor Theatres, Fiaz Mahomed, says, "Converting to digital is a critical step in the company's progression, as we continue to grow our business and lead South Africa's movie exhibition industry. It is also critical in meeting the very real demand from our audiences in seeing the best content on offer in an all-consuming, all entertaining environment. This is an evolving sector and we are committed to continuously improving the consumer experience.
"We're delighted to announce this deal, we've seen the partner's experience in Europe and are looking forward to its expertise in helping us become 100% digital. The investment into the digital conversion in our cinemas will mean rapid and, in certain instances instantaneous, release of movie titles as well as alternative content such as sporting events and live concerts.
"The benefits to the consumer are the most exciting part of the project for us as this rollout will result in more 3D content being screened, superior picture quality, new genres of film content and closer alignment of local release dates with international ones," he concludes.
CEO of Arts Alliance Media, Howard Kiedaisch adds, "With the company's market-leading experience in Europe and our recent international expansion to Latin America with our announcement of a VPF deal with Sony Pictures, we see South Africa as another key territory where a VPF program could bring tremendous value and Ster-Kinekor is a good first partner to be working with."