Third rebirth of computing: The end of PCs and game consoles
The gaming market has been broken for a long time, and the Conficker worm is a reminder that the PC concept is also becoming unmanageable. Developers want one platform to develop to; they don't want three consoles, two portable gaming systems, lots of phones and a PC. Users want something vastly less complex and really would like to go back to a time when they only worried about the price and where the on switch was.
Well, Onlive, which was announced last month, may start a wave to fix gaming and showcase the future of computing by applying the power of the private cloud to the problems. While we wait for either Microsoft or Google to buy the company, let's consider the next big move in computing, something I'm starting to call the "Third Rebirth".
I'll close with my technology of the week, a concept Intel calls "CloneCloud", which could be core to making this Third Rebirth actually work.