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Media Company news South Africa

BusinessTech - the number 1 business publication in South Africa

BusinessTech is the largest and most influential business publication in South Africa.
BusinessTech - the number 1 business publication in South Africa

It is read by C-level executives, business owners, company directors, managers, and professionals every day – and plays a key role in the business and personal lives of these readers.

On a monthly basis, BusinessTech’s readers include:

  • CEO/director – 131,000

  • Business owner – 856,000

  • Senior management – 712,000

  • Middle management – 1,331,000

  • Junior management – 1,085,000

These readers are highly influential in the companies they work for, and are responsible for a range of strategic and purchasing decisions.

BusinessTech’s readers are also extremely influential in their homes, with over 2 million readers the primary purchasing decision maker in their household. 2.9 million readers are then a joint decision maker in their home.

Advertise on BusinessTech

Thanks to its excellent audience, BusinessTech is the perfect place to advertise your B2B and B2C brands, products, and services.

BusinessTech offers excellent advertising options that make it easy to reach your target market.

This includes sponsored articles with social media amplification, display takeovers, display banners, video interviews, dedicated mailers, and more.

BusinessTech also takes care of all aspects of an advertising campaign – including content creation, running the campaign, optimising its performance, and producing reports.

To find out more about advertising on BusinessTech, click here.

Broad Media
Broad Media is South Africa's leading independent online media company. Broad Media owns South Africa's largest business and technology publications - BusinessTech and MyBroadband, as well as motoring website TopAuto.
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