6 Jul 2015Contact usSubmit newsAdvertise on bizList your companyHome
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Marketing & Media South Africa

From digital influence to making your start-up dreams a reality...

This week we give you the lowdown on digital influence, particularly the challenges of getting it, guiding it and growing it in today's hyper connected world, especially as it is one of the biggest issues facing marketing teams in 2015.

If you've decided to follow your entrepreneurial dreams and get going with the start-up you've long envisioned, you'd do well to read through the trials and tribulations faced by two of the country's most prominent voices on start-ups, Design Indaba's Ravi Naidoo and Ernst Hertzog, the angel investor and entrepreneur behind Action Hero Ventures, both in conversation with Warren Harding, host of 2Oceansvibe's Biz Takeouts show.

Still on the topic of self-improvement, read through Erik du Plessis and Neil Higgs' research that shows 'all South Africans are living better than before', and let them know your thoughts.

We round off with our weekly [Loeries 2015] build up, this week exploring what it is that Y&R ECD Rui Alves is most looking forward to from Loeries Creative Week, which is just around the corner, as well as his predictions for this year's big wins.

Comment online in our ed's column archive. Go mobile with apps and m.bizcommunity.com. Engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Subscribe to YouTube and via RSS. Send all your African marketing and media news and event invitations to africanews@bizcommunity.com, exclusive opinion pieces to contributors-africa@bizcommunity.com and international news to internationalnews@bizcommunity.com. Read "How to contribute to Biz, from op-ed pieces to news".

Weekly top stories
The lowdown on digital influence
[Leigh Andrews] Shh. 'Digital influence' is meant to be something mystical and vague. That's no longer the case, following the Meltwater African Brain Food event, where all aspects of digital influence were unpacked... read more>>

Following through on your start-up dream...

Leigh Andrews

Tips for business success when you're starting out: Be careful of falling too in love with you product, don't confuse hustle with bullsh*tting, and prepare for the 'ready fire aim' approach...


All South Africans are living better than before

Erik du Plessis and Neil Higgs

South Africans have a better lifestyle than what they had 10 years ago! Media reports fuelling the general sympathy does not even mention this fact, which should be the basis of all business strategies...


[Loeries 2015] Agency expectations with... Y&R

Leigh Andrews

In our feature running until Loeries Creative Week in Durban this August (yes, August, not September and Durban, not Cape Town!), we find out what Y&R ECD Rui Alves expects...


Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 138: Isilumko Activate and agency focus with 20Across
On the latest Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show, host Warren Harding interviewed Lauren Durant and Fabrizia Degli Esposti... read more>>
Cannes Lions
Creative Circle's Cannes 2015 individual and group agency results are out!
The Official Creative Circle Cannes Results 2015 are out... read more>>
Jonathan Deeb on the blurring lines between Cannes categories

Ann Nurock

Jonathan Deeb, Executive Creative Director of FCB Johannesburg, spoke to our Cannes Lions media correspondent, Ann Nurock, on his experience of being part of this year's Press Jury... read more>>
Damon Stapleton on the changing state of advertising

Ann Nurock

Having attended Cannes for 11 years now, Damon Stapleton sat down with our media correspondent at Cannes, Ann Nurock, to chat about the evolution of advertising he's witnessed... read more>>
J. Walter Thompson and CBC win Egypt's first-ever Titanium Award at Cannes Lions

Issued by JWT

Loeries Creative Week Durban
The Loeries Communication Design judging panel has been announced!
Ji Lee, Creative Director of Facebook Creative Shop in New York, heads up the jury as chairman, with the rest of the panel comprising nine big local names... read more>>
Customer centric innovation - the heart of sustainable business growth

John Simpson

Global competition and a weak economy have made growth more challenging than ever before. As products have become easily replicable and budgets slashed, companies are forced to find the next frontier of differentiation... read more>>
Mastering innovation for growth

Nicole Shapiro

Innovation. It's a buzzword on everyone's lips; a strategic priority of many organisations; and what many consider the ultimate driver to unlocking growth. Those who get it right - the Apples, FNBs and Googles of the world - make it look easy... read more>>
Meet the Marketers - a new speed dating programme
It's not about single-, cross-, multi- or omni-channel bull-doodle anymore

Issued by Effective Intelligence

Ideas are like goldfish... easy to kill

Damon Stapleton

Ideas are truly the most beautiful things. They have such power and at the same time they are completely fragile... read more>>
Mix FM's Bish & Fish on the on-air passion mix

Leigh Andrews

Mix FM's new look Afternoon Drive show took to the airwaves on 1 June, with Steve Bishop and Elise Fish. The seasoned radio duo, known as Bish and Fish, are one of the only real-life couples on air in South Africa... read more>>
[Orchids & Onions] Land Rover's legend has not deserted it

Brendan Seery

Years ago, the late Anton Hammerl - then a photographer on The Sunday Independent - brought me a photo from a "rave" he'd been to at Verneukpan in the back of beyond in the Northern Cape... read more>>
Communication perception and how it takes place

Chris Brewer

There are a number of steps that our minds go through between, say, an advertising message and the purchase of a product... read more>>
Killing two birds with one stone

Danette Breitenbach

Embassy and Snap Pictures create first TV commercial for Elegant Fuel

Issued by Embassy & Snap Pictures

Why strategic planning is stupid

Jessica Wheeler, Issued by Grey

Dieting vs advertising

Glenn Jeffery, Issued by Grey

2015 Pendoring judging panel appointed

Issued by Pendoring

Grey's famously effective work hauls 113 Cannes Lions

Issued by Grey

Agile for agencies - is there such a thing?

Danelle Stiles, Issued by NATIVE VML

Sharing the knowledge, and the love

Eliot Powell, Issued by Spitfire Films

TCM puts Guerilla in leading role for re-launch across Africa

Issued by Guerilla Tactic Media

MyBroadband appoints a client relations manager

Issued by MyBroadband

Sustainability: a lever for growth

Danette Breitenbach

Sustainability is becoming more and more about business as companies realise that it can be a lever for growth... read more>>
In order for what you have to flourish, use it for the benefit of others

Issued by Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

The death of the annual report... As we know it

Sam Bainbridge

We all want a greener, more sustainable world, yet the process of going green still seems to instil fear in some people. Good designers, on the other hand, embrace the move towards sustainability. Not only does green thinking lead to creativity and innovation, ultimately it's good for business, which to us means happy clients... read more>>
BID notice: Design/advertising agency required for False Bay TVET College

Issued by False Bay College

Google and content: Still dating after all these years

Catherine Black

Back in the late 90s, when Dolly the sheep was being cloned and The Spice Girls were still Botox-free, Google was just a child. Because of this, its relationships with websites were simple prepubescent crushes... read more>>
Nunu Ntshingila to head up Facebook's first African office
Facebook opened its first African office to further the company's commitment to help businesses connect with people. Ogilvy veteran, Nunu Ntshingila, will be the company's new Head of Africa... read more>>
Digital marketing must be a boardroom conversation

Natalie Bruyns

Somewhere over the rainbow...

Louise Marsland

Premier filmmaker, Spike Lee, heads to SA for The Nedbank Digital Edge Live 2015

Issued by NATIVE VML

Using digital integration to celebrate an icon

Issued by Base2

Gloo@Ogilvy brings home the only Cannes Lion for digital work

Issued by Ogilvy & Mather

MacKay: Industry in urgent need of expertise, lack of programmatic savvy

Issued by Atmosphere Orange

Ok Google, how is my Big Mac made once I order it?

Stephen Sandmann, Issued by Quirk

Stokvel Academy hosts Stokvel Development Training

Issued by BSK Marketing

Events & Conferencing
Enter the SA Innovations Awards taking place in October
The South African Innovation Awards recognises innovative companies, products and services across the public and private sector. Entries are now open till 31 July 2015... read more>>
Wine not?

Issued by Levelthree Premium Venue

Compex taking cargotecture to the next level

Issued by Compex

Century City Conference Centre and Hotel's Hard Hat Event

Issued by XZIBIT

BHP Billiton launches South32 brand at an exciting event

Issued by XZIBIT

Sawubona wins big at the World Travel Awards!

Issued by Ndalo Media

Grey Africa captures Nespresso Magazine #24

Issued by Grey

Mandela Day
Research Unit to host Mandela Day workshop
Local luxury leather brand Research Unit (RU) will be hosting a Nelson Mandela Day workshop at their Watershed store at the V&A Waterfront on Saturday, 18 July 2015 from 11am-2pm... read more>>
Journalism or bust! How to get writing work in tricky times

Marie Rocher

Hundreds of young people may continue to enrol in journalism and communications courses at universities and colleges, but job prospects in that industry are dimming... read more>>
App store is the new Google, says Naspers CEO

Matthew le Cordeur

In a world where the smartphone is becoming ever more dominant, the app store is becoming key to success for an e-commerce business, according to Naspers CEO Bob van Dijk... read more>>
MMA Standard Bank SMARTIES Awards panel of judges announced

Issued by Mobile Marketing Association

MMA South Africa Board appointments 2015-2017

Issued by Mobile Marketing Association

MMA Africa forum part of Loeries Creative Week - proudly sponsored by Unilever

Issued by Mobile Marketing Association

Tractor Outdoor expands current portfolio to Pretoria

Issued by Tractor Outdoor

PR & Communications
Crisis communications in a digital era

Janine Hills

Communication is critical to ensure that a crisis is managed effectively and contained, and that the company's reputation is protected throughout. Especially in an era of social media, where the public has many options at their disposal to either rate or slate a brand... read more>>
The South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport appoints Tenfour

Issued by Tenfour

Howard Audio answers Emtel's call!

Issued by Howard Audio

[Behind the Selfie] with... Lani Carstens

Leigh Andrews

This week, we find out what's really going on behind the selfie with Lani Carstens, Managing and Executive Director at John Brown Media, South Africa ... read more>>
Kagiso Media appoints a promotions manager to oversee East Coast Radio and Jacaranda FM

Issued by Kagiso Media

Gagasi FM Nightlife Sessions get Savanna Dark edge

Issued by Gagasi FM

United Stations' Li Ndube, has a 'bag of tricks' for radio advertisers

Issued by United Stations

Shifting attitudes towards the body

Danette Breitenbach

Would you want to be a Cyborg in the near future? A Cyborg is defined as a human enhanced by technology; that is a person whose physiological functioning is aided by a mechanical or electronic device... read more>>
The 'foreign' impact on South Africa's potato industry

Issued by Insight Survey

[NewsMaker] Michelle Vahl

Louise Marsland

Michelle Vahl has been appointed NAB Sales Manager (Johannesburg). She oversees a team of 13 sales people across both NAB and Habari Media... read more>>
Social Media
Melt the social brand mention confusion away with Meltwater 'Outside Insights'

Leigh Andrews

When an industry event's held after hours, and fully booked within a week of receiving the invitation, you know it's a topic people are really interested in. That's exactly what happened with the recent Meltwater 'Outside Insights' launch event... read more>>
Opening up the tender process and other start-up help, just a click away

leigh andrews

OpenTenders is a South African business-to-business social network. It's also determined to assist South Africa achieve its 2030 National Development Plan goals and create millions of jobs - not as pie-in-the-sky as it seems... read more>>
Top five Instagram trends for 2015

Desiree Gullan

Since the trail-blazing millennials and too-cool-for-Facebook hipsters started the migration to Instagram five years ago, we've seen a visual content explosion... read more>>
NBA's first game in Africa attracts world-class partners

Issued by TheGrind PR

Youth Marketing
The future of youth marketing looks bright!

Issued by HDI Youth Marketeers

US fund Elliott files appeal against Samsung merger ruling
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA: US hedge fund Elliott said Friday it had filed an appeal against a court ruling in favour of the proposed merger of two Samsung Group subsidiaries. read more>>
Facebook tests video ads in budding YouTube challenge
SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Facebook on Thursday confirmed that it is dabbling in video ads and sharing revenue with content creators, in a move that would compete with Google-owned YouTube. read more>>
Boosting healthcare advertising with the Young Global Awards
NEW YORK, USA The Global Awards for the World's Best Healthcare & Wellness Advertising have announced the second annual Young Globals Student Competition and Internship Programme... read more>>
Entries open for World's Best Financial Advertising Awards 2015
LIA entry deadline extended to 15 July
More International
After SA, Facebook now eyes the Kenyan market

Lilian Mutegi

After announcing on Monday that Facebook had opened its office in Johannesburg, South Africa, Facebook now eyes the East African market with a major focus on Kenya... read more>>
More Africa
Government news
Radio conference a platform to exchange ideas
Deputy Minister of Communications Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams says the Radio Days Africa conference, which is currently taking place in Johannesburg, provides a useful platform to exchange ideas, information and experiences about the issues facing radio. read more>>
SABC to tell truth 'with balanced perspective' - CEO

Thinus Ferreira

New SABC chief executive officer Frans Matlala said the public broadcaster going forward will tell the truth but will also be "balancing the perspective"... read more>>
From the Freedom Charter to the National Development Plan

Chichi Maponya

South Africa last week commemorated the 60th anniversary of the Freedom Charter, which is widely regarded as a seminal document in South Africa's quest to transform our society into a model of equality... read more>>
DTT to provide opportunity to restructure SA's ICT
The implementation of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) will provide great potential to restructure South Africa's ICT infrastructure... read more>>
DTT switch off date announced when all system are in place

Nthambeleni Gabara

More Government news
2015 tax season kicks off
PRETORIA: As the tax season officially got off the ground on 1 July 2015, the South African Revenue Service (Sars) had already received more than 17,000 tax returns via branches and mobile units across the country... read more>>
Is it time for a PAYE health check?

Ilsa Groenewald

All employers should consider doing a PAYE health check on their payroll because it is one of the main focus areas for SARS... read more>>
Preparing financially for a job loss
We often welcome a fresh start with open arms and we've all heard the expression that a change is as good as a holiday. But if a new beginning comes unexpectedly in the form of a retrenchment or a job loss, it can turn your world upside down... read more>>
New business
  • Middleman Communications acquires Sakhumzi Restaurant PR account - more info
  • CubiICE lands Skygistics account - more info
  • House of Brave awarded Southern Comfort account - more info
  • Waggener Edstrom wins FlySafair account in South Africa - more info
  • Butter Knife PR awarded James Bensen account - more info
  • The Friday Street Club named PR agency for Remy Martin and Remy-Cointreau - more info
  • Visa partners with RADAR - more info
  • JAG Communications appointed A+E Networks PR Agency for Africa - more info

More accounts  Submit a New account
People on the move
  • Kagiso Media appoints a promotions manager - more info
  • KFC Africa appoints new marketing director - more info
  • Michelle Padayachee appointed account manager at Mall Active

More people  Submit a Person
Jobs offered
Public Relations Account Manager - Johannesburg
Taryn Fritz Public RelationsSmall dynamic PR agency requires a strong PR individual to assist with blue chip clients. Must be hard working, dedicated and fun. Must be able to travel and drive. Read more >>

Bookkeeper/Debtors and Creditors Clerk - Johannesburg
The Media ShackThe Media Shack is looking for a hardworking bookkeeper to join our team. Read more >>

Recruiter - Cape Town
Ad TalentJunior recruiter required in our Cape Town office. You will work in the creative portfolio. At least three years working experience in the creative field. Read more >>

General Manager - CRM Solutions - Johannesburg
Open Door RecruitmentBEE only. General manager - CRM. Assume responsibility for financial operations, operational results, client and stakeholder relationships, suppliers and partners results, overall sales and marketing, innovation and product development, growth results. Read more >>

Senior Sponsorship and Exhibition Sales Manager - Cape Town
Great opportunity for a senior sponsorship and expo sales manager with proven ability to sell consultatively. Read more >>

Senior Account Manager - Johannesburg
Promise Brand SpecialistsPromise is seeking a highly competent and organised senior account manager. Read more >>

Brand Manager - Cape Town
USB-EDUSB Executive Development seeks to appoint brand manager - responsible for providing the business with the tools to sell its interventions (products) and services and implementing the USB-ED brand strategy. Read more >>

Market Analyst - Johannesburg
USB-EDUSB Executive Development seeks market analyst to join existing dynamic team, responsible for providing the business with research and analysis of market information, competitors and trends. Read more >>

Business Director - Cape Town
Tag 8We are on the hunt for a talented business director to take a strategic overview of our media business and clients. You will need to understand all communication disciplines and media. Read more >>

Social Media Community Manager - Johannesburg
Do you have a passion for social media? Do you have a passion for creating content that engages and grows communities? Are you "always on", even on weekends? Read more >>

Account Director - Johannesburg
Penquin AirtimeAD with experience across various marketing and advertising disciplines, e.g. print, radio, TV, BTL. Strong understanding of ROI on various projects with the ability to translate opportunities into sales. Read more >>

Recruiter - Cape Town
Ad TalentSenior recruiter required in our Cape Town office. You will work in the advertising and marketing portfolio. Read more >>

Research Manager - Johannesburg
BMi ResearchLooking for a research manager - An all-rounder with quantitative and qualitative market research experience. Read more >>

Tech Journalist - Johannesburg
MyBroadbandMyBroadband is looking for an IT journalist who enjoys technology, writes well, and, of course, wants to receive a monthly salary. We are the largest IT website in SA. Read more >>

Senior Digital Designer - Art Director - Johannesburg
NXT\NXT\Digital Innovation is looking for a skilled, passionate, ideas driven, senior digital designer with art direction and conceptual skills to join our multi-award winning full service digital agency. Read more >>

Senior WordPress Web Designer - Cape Town
Adlab Advertising is looking for a talented,creative and motivated senior WordPress web designer to join our team. Read more >>

New events to diarise
Power Series - Selling at your Higher Price - 28 Jul 2015, Cape Town | 29 Jul 2015, Johannesburg | 30 Jul 2015, Durban
Learn how to sell at your higher price, a seminar by Richard Mulvey. Join others in this previously sold-out session to learn why selling a higher price is easy. Read more >>

Market a consulting practice
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 7 Jul 2015, Johannesburg

Reputation risk management masterclass
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 16 Jul 2015 to 17 Jul 2015, Johannesburg

Communications, fundraising and strategy
Gecko Connect Strategy Consultants - 22 Jul 2015, Cape Town

Creative writing for marketing, media and PR
Forefront Training - 28 Jul 2015 to 29 Jul 2015, Johannesburg

Sales for small businesses
Latitude Training - 1 Aug 2015, Cape Town

SAACI 2015 - 29th Annual Congress
African Agenda - 1 Aug 2015 to 4 Aug 2015, Cape Town

The Dealcloser™ Programme
The Dealmaker Company - 15 Sep 2015 to 16 Sep 2015, Johannesburg

International Public Relations
Millennium Conferences - 27 Sep 2015 to 29 Sep 2015, Johannesburg

Upcoming events
Advanced Graphic Design - 13 Jul 2015 to 23 Nov 2015, Johannesburg
This course is ideal for young graphic designers looking to expand their portfolios and gain a more in depth knowledge of graphic design. Read more >>

Art Direction - Module One - 13 Jul 2015 to 13 Aug 2015, Johannesburg
This course is entry level for persons wishing to become art directors. The first module covers computer training in Adobe Photoshop and InDesign CC. Read more >>

Personal writing coach course
SA Writer's College - 7 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 21 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 28 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 4 Aug 2015, Countrywide | 18 Aug 2015, Countrywide | 25 Aug 2015, Countrywide

Grammar skills for beginners
SA Writer's College - 7 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 21 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 28 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 4 Aug 2015, Countrywide | 18 Aug 2015, Countrywide | 25 Aug 2015, Countrywide

Die tydskrifjoernalistieke kursus
SA WRITERS' COLLEGE - 7 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 21 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 28 Jul 2015, Countrywide | 4 Aug 2015, Countrywide | 18 Aug 2015, Countrywide | 25 Aug 2015, Countrywide

Service Excellence
Maurice Kerrigan Africa - 7 Jul 2015 to 9 Jul 2015, Johannesburg

Sam Levenson
"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going."
Igor Sikorsky
"The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead even more than teamwork."
Lydia M. Child
"Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture."
Jack Welch
"An organisation's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
"If you have one good idea, people will lend you twenty."

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Biz press office welcome
The following companies have opened press offices on Bizcommunity.com!
Global Access
Whether you want to inform or entertain customers through our Dynamic Digital Signage system, convert printed posters to a digital format using our Standard Digital Signage, regulate the end of the queue via our Intelligent Queuing system or communicate and train your staff through the use of our IPtv and Video on Demand platform... Global Access will have a product for you.

Gordon Institute of Business Science
(GIBS) has been built around its intent to significantly improve responsible individual and organisational performance, through high-quality business and management education.

Biz recruiter welcome
The following companies have opened recruiter listings on Bizcommunity.com!
Pearson is the global "Always Learning" company behind the Financial Times, Smart Kids, Test and Improve, CTI/MGI and is the leading education business globally.

Fancourt South Africa
World-class Hotel, Resort and Lifestyle estate.

MULTIMEDIAAll | Galleries | Audio | Video | Images
Episode 138: Isilumko Activate and Agency Focus with 20Across looking at Influencer marketing.
Sunday Times Literary Awards 2015

Marketing unveils #DigitalMavericks the women in digital changing the game by @nickykc http://t.co/29GxmKOkMx http://t.co/GrkpGYJhph - Fri Jul 03
Apple has a surprisingly old-fashioned way for you to request songs on its new Beats 1 radio station http://t.co/oRO9lQo44y - Fri Jul 03
35% of employees want more flexible schedules: http://t.co/1auCXANXKZ - Fri Jul 03
"Facebook Study Finds Content Delivered via Smartphone More Engaging Than via TV" http://t.co/wAuKKtuhHK #socbiz http://t.co/o1Nh0XmoRN - Fri Jul 03
This is why Spotify should be terrified of Apple Music: http://t.co/V31QVW9l4q http://t.co/7Jx4NIDdnL - Fri Jul 03
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