How to handle customer complaints
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Why qualitative data is key to unleashing great customer experiences
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Mike Anderson, founder and CEO of the NSBC, says that this movement creates awareness of the small business community and it presents a great opportunity for these businesses to take advantage of this and offer customers excellent service.
“SMEs are not invisible to customer experience and need to empower their entire business, and create a culture of providing good customer service at all levels. Make every experience a fantastic one, giving a bit extra to ensure customers come back time and again.”
He says achieving better customer service can be simple in its process. There are five simple tips to consider when working towards a Fantastic Friday:
2. Embrace all feedback – Thanks to social media, customer feedback can come flying at you from all platforms. Do not ignore it; embrace both the good and bad. Let it assist you in making the necessary changes in your business to improve customer service.
3. Do not oversell – Retain your integrity and sell or advise only what you truly feel the customer requires. This will create a trusting relationship and build priceless loyalty within your customer base.
4.Tick all the boxes – even the boring ones – Make sure your processes and administration is top notch. Do not overlook the importance of a slick business process methodology, as this will have an impact on customer service.
5. Less haste more speed – Take your time and deliver your best. Do not rush an order or a job, take the requisite time and deliver a great product. This will ensure customers come back too.To pledge support, go to the pledge wall at