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Marketing & Media South Africa

Top company and news stories 22 January 2018

  • We kick off Marcus 'The Maltese Falcon' Brewster's 'South African's guide to moving to and making it in Malta' series with an overview of the culture of connection, pertinent as Valletta takes on the mantle of the European Capital of Culture 2018.
  • IAB SA announces its Bookmarks 2018 jury president and chairs
  • Shelley Finch of Handcrafted Brands writes What the Zuck? How to adjust your digital marketing strategy after Facebook's bombshell announcement, while Natalia Rosa of Big Ambitions shares what travel marketers need to know about Facebook's News Feed change
  • Defying tradition: Defy appoints Liquorice as digital and social agency
  • My latest #LoeriesRanking Q&A is a catch-up with Black Bean Productions
  • Lastly, I'll be presenting Meltwater's January webinar, titled 'Winning the war on PR: How to write the perfect press release' from 11am this Friday, 26 January. It's free to attend - you just need an internet connection to join in. Click here for more info and to register so long!

  • Leigh Andrews
    Editor-in-Chief: Marketing & Media SA

    Comment online in our Ed's Column archive. Go mobile with apps and Engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Subscribe to YouTube and via RSS. Send all your African marketing and media news and event invitations to, exclusive opinion pieces to and international news to Read "How to contribute to Biz, from op-ed pieces to news".

    BizTop stories
    Image screenshot via  © -
    Donald Trump unveils his 2017 Fake News Awards winners

    Andy Walker

    The GOP website just couldn't keep up with the traffic its latest blog post
    iDidTht releases Craft Awards Rankings 2017
    iDidTht releases Craft Awards Rankings 2017
    iDidTht has released its Craft Awards Rankings for 2017, celebrating the best craft of the year by production companies in
    Original image © Besjunior -
    #FairnessFirst: H&M's diversity manager, #MLKDay and the #pinkify debate

    Leigh Andrews

    This week, diversity was a strong focus on social media as H&M announced the appointment of a diversity manager following the 'racist hoodie' outrage, social citizens stood up for civil rights on #MLKDay, and the #pinkifying hashtag spawned lovers and haters
    The village of Zejtun lies in the south of the island of Malta | Mark Leach
    A South African's guide to moving to and making it in Malta: The culture of connection

    Marcus 'The Maltese Falcon' Brewster

    Valletta, the baroque cityscape on the island fortress of Malta, is making global headlines this month - indeed this year - as it assumes the mantle of European Capital of Culture 2018. Last year, after having fallen in love with this little corner of the Mediterranean, I relocated to the archipelago for a sabbatical to take a front row seat for the programme of the next 12
    #BizTrends2018: Transformation, agency consolidation and real consumer insights
    #BizTrends2018: Transformation, agency consolidation and real consumer insights

    Kgaugelo Maphai

    There is no doubt that there's loads of uncertainty ahead of the coming year. I believe that digital integration, continued agency consolidations, consumer insights and the looming MAC Charter deadline will be recurring themes... read
    Leigh Andrews, editor-in-chief of marketing and media at Bizcommunity.
    #BizTrends2018: Rewind from attention spam back to attention span

    Leigh Andrews

    One of the biggest trends we're set to see this year is a plethora of marketing messages facing ever-decreasing attention from consumers. Take note of the clever planning required for yours to stand out from the snowballing amount of spam... read
    Colin Cullis, product owner for Primedia Broadcasting's talk stations, 702 and CapeTalk.
    #BizTrends2018: Radio trends for the year ahead - podcasts, streams and subscriptions

    Colin Cullis

    Here are three predictions for what will become more significant for radio broadcasters in 2018: Podcasts, streams and subscriptions... read
    Amanda Dlamini, strategic planning manager at Y&R.
    #BizTrends2018: Treading softly - creativity in sensitive times

    Amanda Dlamini

    The world of advertising and creativity has come under great scrutiny in recent years. The rise of consumer activism has caused ordinary people throughout the world to question the integrity of brands as well as corporations at large... read
    Daniel Munslow, independent communications consultant.
    #BizTrends2018: Are you a reputational resilience expert or crisis fodder?

    Daniel Munslow

    2017 was not a good year for companies handling crises. The number of casualties was alarming. We had our pick of it - from motoring, to beverages, to aviation, and everything in between... read
    #BizTrends2018: The Platform Economy
    #BizTrends2018: The Platform Economy

    Josephine Buys

    The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is ushering in technologies that can enable us, the South African digital industry, to change the course of history... read
    Kevin Welman, director and co-owner of ByDesign Communications.
    #BizTrends2018: The rise (and rise) of influencers and specialists

    Kevin Welman

    There are two major trends affecting communications this year: influencer marketing and the rise of specialists... read
    #BizTrends2018: How to get more value from your PR partner
    #BizTrends2018: How to get more value from your PR partner

    Jane Belchers and Jane Gordon

    Your PR agency should be able to deliver a full spectrum communication service that can play a pivotal role in most areas of your business. If not, rethink how to use your PR partner to ensure you are taking advantage of their specific skills set. read
    OJ Van Jaarsveld, account director and film producer at Young Gun Films.
    #BizTrends2018: The collaborative SA film producer-consumer cycle
    OJ Van Jaarsveld of Young Guns Films says there are four main South African audience trends directly influencing what the film industry is doing, along with eight local film production trends, which in turn will affect the audience... read
    #BizTrends2018: ...And the Bots are live!
    #BizTrends2018: ...And the Bots are live!

    Sue Disler

    Here are just a few questions to ask yourself that could influence how you move forward in 2018... read
    #BizTrends2018: Delivering UX with soul
    #BizTrends2018: Delivering UX with soul

    Mike Carter

    Programmatic has entrenched itself in our digital world and we all know it is not going anywhere, but we will see more channels being added, more capabilities and all being underpinned by artificial intelligence... read
    #BizTrends2018: Branding is the key to unlocking company innovation
    #BizTrends2018: Branding is the key to unlocking company innovation

    Mathew Weiss

    The economy in which we're operating post-2007 needs to be rethought as an evolution of a zero-sum game. Innovation is what breaks the zero-sum model for companies... read
    #BizTrends2018: Five Predictions for media
    #BizTrends2018: Five Predictions for media

    Lisa Macleod

    The demise of Twitter, consolidation in the media, the false economy of programmatic and other predictions... read
    Marcus von Geyso and Diogo Mendonça
    #BizTrends2018: Today's kids will never know...

    Diogo Mendonça and Marcus von Geyso

    If you've seen the hilarious tweets accompanying the hashtag, #TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow, throwing back to the days of playing 'Snake' on a Nokia 3310 or walking around with a portable CD player stuffed in your backpack, you probably laughed, right before thinking, "Damn, I feel old."... read
    #BizTrends2018: The rise of AI and gamification in in-transit advertising
    #BizTrends2018: The rise of AI and gamification in in-transit advertising

    Devon Brough

    Geo-targeted advertising is becoming more and more important for marketers; and artificial intelligence in vehicle transit advertising will also become more common place over the next few years.... read
    Nicole Solarsh Glickman, creative group head at House of Brave.
    #BizTrends2018: Refocus on the business of advertising

    nicole glickman

    For years we've been told that the future of advertising is the internet and data. So, we all followed the trend and jumped onto the super highway. From the days of dial-up to LTE and fibre, we have continuously raced ahead, finding new ways to create new waves. Today, streams of videos, interviews, content, shows, sounds, and apps, are brought to us by brand X... read
    Gil Sperling, CTO of Popimedia.
    #BizTrends2018: You guessed it, it's the year of video

    Gil Sperling

    Cisco released a report late 2017 which, if its predictions are to be believed, adds fuel to marketers angling for increased budget for video creation... read
    Chrisna Basson, head of strategy at Weathermen & Co, Namibia.
    #BizTrends2018: A positive perspective on moving towards 4.0

    Chrisna Basson

    What a year it's been! But enough people have written about that, so I'd rather look at a few of the consequences we'll feel in 2018. Which, to my surprise, are mostly positive. I've highlighted four of the best... read
    Mike Oelschig, head of strategy at Cerebra.
    #BizTrends2018: The (eventual) rise of the social command centre in South Africa

    Mike Oelschig

    Terms like "command centre" or "digital centre of excellence" have been in the South African marketing landscape's lexicon for a few years now; but for the most part that has largely where the concept has remained. Until now... read
    #BizTrends2018: Sex, data and advertising
    #BizTrends2018: Sex, data and advertising

    Natalie Otte, Ilse Dinner

    Forget about Harry and Meghan, the match of the century is advertising and research, with data playing cupid... read
    Omar Essack, CEO of Primedia Broadcasting.
    #BizTrends2018: Advertising platform accountability

    Omar Essack

    We live in a world of blurred lines. There are companies that look and feel like cab companies. We love the services they deliver, so we're grateful for them but they claim not to be cab companies... read

    Ad on Bizcommunity

    Putting money where the mouth is - sugar, public health and the advertising industry
    Putting money where the mouth is - sugar, public health and the advertising industry

    Deborah Minors

    Changing behaviour is difficult - particularly amidst million-dollar advertising onslaughts... read
    Screengrab from the ad.
    #OrchidsandOnions: Lesbians at the dinner table? Who cares? We're more worried about our taxpayer cash being squandered

    Brendan Seery

    I just wonder if South Africans are not more liberal and "let and let live" than a lot of people - and advertising agencies - give them credit for... read Craft Awards December 2017: Yet another visual spectacular for Absolut Craft Awards December 2017: Yet another visual spectacular for Absolut
    IDidTht's December SA Film Reel Monthly Craft Awards were judged by Cameron Watson, creative director at King James, who selected Absolut's 'One Source Live - Africa on Fire' by Sunu from Egg Films for Best of Reel for Direction Craft... read
    ODA Advertising joins Magnet Global Network
    ODA Advertising joins Magnet Global Network
    Magnet Global Network has expanded its geographic reach and capabilities with the addition of ODA Advertising, a 26-year-old creative advertising agency based in Durban, KZN... read
    (c) Stefan Holm -
    H&M 'racist' ad adds to company's woes
    STOCKHOLM - A racism scandal at H&M is the latest indication of management problems at the Swedish clothing giant, once the darling of shoppers but now struggling to make the switch to e-commerce, analysts say. read
    M&C Saatchi Abel joins with Lexus and Automark to start 2018 in the fast lane

    Issued By M&C Saatchi Abel

    Escape the Januworry blues and enjoy economic freedom with OLX

    Issued By DNA Brand Architects

    The Brave Cartel's Yolande Botha writes and directs first-ever Massmart TVC

    Issued By The Brave Cartel

    Three crucial PPC metrics that will ensure your business records great ROI in 2018

    Issued By Naija Writers' Coach

    Marketers are missing opportunities to boost brand effectiveness by 57% by not getting their multichannel campaigns right

    Issued By Kantar Millward Brown

    Best in class: Top 500 Awards finalists announced

    Issued By Topco Media

    Five things consumers are looking for from your brand in 2018

    Issued By IGI

    Understanding the role of colour in branding

    Boris Dzhingarov

    Issued By Monetary Library

    Revolting Rhymes. Image supplied.
    African short films on Oscar shortlist
    Six African short films have been shortlisted to receive an Oscar, selected from 63 qualifying films... read
    CRM, CX, UX
    Simple things that will boost your customer experience

    Issued By Monetary Library

    (c) Denis Ismagilov -
    How corporate SA can transition towards customer centricity and embrace the global paradigm

    Matthew Westaway

    If your company is not thinking about embracing the global paradigm towards customer centricity, you should spend your remaining profits building a time machine to review the moments that lead to your demise... read
    Build and use your digital influence

    Issued By R-Squared Digital SA

    Defying tradition: Defy appoints Liquorice as digital and social agency
    Defying tradition: Defy appoints Liquorice as digital and social agency

    Leigh Andrews

    Digital agency Liquorice, a DigitasLBi company, has been appointed as Defy Appliances' digital and social media agency of record... read
    Boo-Yah! founder Carmen Murray launches The Connected Marketer in SA
    Boo-Yah! founder Carmen Murray launches The Connected Marketer in SA

    Issued By Boo-Yah!

    In the age of technology, the digital marketing and media industry continues to evolve at breakneck speed and consumers are becoming more and more technologically advanced... read
    Optimise your website for voice search in 2018

    Issued By CharlesSmithAssociates/Sha-Izwe Communications

    Dolgachov © -
    Has the digital era changed the luxury game for good?

    Megan Bowman

    The digital age poses challenges for all brands in every sector, and yet for the luxury market, the conundrum is a particularly tricky one... read
    Pitfalls of in-house digital location management

    Issued By Business Positioning Systems

    Dark days for e-commerce

    Issued By IMC Conference

    10 lessons from a successful crowdfunding campaign
    10 lessons from a successful crowdfunding campaign

    Rob Heyns

    After about 45 days of extreme effort, intense co-ordinating, crazy ideas and good luck, we managed to complete the most successful rewards-based crowdfunding campaign in South Africa to date with Sugarbird Gin... read
    Events & Conferencing
    Indulge in all things Indian at Experience India feature at the Rand Show 2018

    Issued By Seven Colors Communications

    DHL announces title partnership of Africa's largest e-commerce and fintech event

    Issued By Kinetic Events

    IAS business director Nikkie Munsie.
    Helping agencies understand 2018's marketing challenges

    Leigh Andrews

    Next Tuesday afternoon, the IAS kicks off the year with a masterclass set to share insights into what marketers are looking for in 2018. Nikki Munsie, business director at the IAS, lets us in on what to expect... read
    (c) maksym yemelyanov -
    In-the-moment-marketing: The lucrative hunting grounds for hoteliers

    Joseph Neusu

    Let's face it. Traditional marketing methods are increasingly becoming obsolete at the speed of the internet revolution. On the other hand, smart technologies are creating immense opportunities that hotel brands can leverage for more cost-efficient guest acquisition... read
    Brendah Nyakudya-Dandala, founder of Content Candy.
    Content Candy expands to Zimbabwe
    South African digital and content marketing studio, Content Candy, is expanding its operations to Zimbabwe... read
    Picture taken at Yayoi Kusama exhibition © - .
    Maybe we should try 'fun' this year

    Damon Stapleton

    Last year was a very serious year. People were very serious. They were serious about where advertising is going... read
    New trends in MENA 'rebranding sexual wellness', 'mingling with the machine' and 'halal space food'

    Issued By JWT

    Promise reflects on 2017's successes

    Issued By Promise

    Media Freedom
    Legal defence fund set up for Jacques Pauw over The President's Keepers
    Legal defence fund set up for Jacques Pauw over The President's Keepers

    Khulekani Magubane

    On Monday, Media Monitoring Africa announced a "legal defence fund" for journalist and author Jacques Pauw to fight legal challenges over his explosive 2017 book, The President's Keepersread
    WhatsApp launches business app
    WhatsApp launches business app

    Ilse van den Berg

    NEWSWATCH: WhatsApp has launched WhatsApp Business - a free-to-download Android app for small businesses which allows them to chat with users... read
    Online Media
    Indian Spice consolidates its growth

    Issued By ACME Digital

    PR & Communications
    DUO expands its capabilities and services with three new appointments in 2018

    Issued By DUO Marketing + Communications

    The competitive edge: Why an effective PR strategy is a must for the hospitality industry
    The competitive edge: Why an effective PR strategy is a must for the hospitality industry
    The hotel industry is a highly competitive field, so it is no surprise that an effective PR strategy is paramount to enabling long-term, sustained messaging to keep your establishment top of mind... read
    Nic Simmonds
    Take a shot and keep up, or die

    Danette Breitenbach

    Its goal to become the best advertising and communications agency in Africa in the next five years may sound crazy, but considering the last five years, Nic Simmonds, Clockwork Media's executive director, believes they have a shot... read
    Grasping readers in tune with your vision

    Gwen Watkins

    Issued By Freelancers Writing Services

    (c) nyvltart -
    Media24 poised to end Novus deal
    Novus Holdings, previously part of the Naspers Group, looks set to have its third grim year in a row, with reports that it is set to lose the crucial contract to print Media 24's newspapers and magazines to Caxton and a number of small independent printers... read
    Entries open for first African edition of Ciclope
    Entries open for first African edition of Ciclope
    Ciclope, an international festival that recognises and rewards exceptional craft in moving image, is coming to Cape Town this year in its first ever Africa regional leg, shining a light on production excellence across the continent... read
    Get better return from your advertising spend

    Riaan Sunny

    Issued By Independent Media

    Top five trends for convenience retail in 2018
    Top five trends for convenience retail in 2018
    According to Joe Boyle, director at FreshStop, these are the trends that will continue to strategically shape the future of convenience retailing... read
    Inspiring entrepreneurs to share their vision
    Inspiring entrepreneurs to share their vision

    Issued By Tag 8 / Social Media Now / Dais

    In recognising the value and importance of small to medium enterprises (SME) in the South African economy, Retail Capital is partnering with SMEs to help them achieve business growth... read
    Image credit: Jessica Levitt via Times Live
    EFF storms H&M at Mall of Africa yet again

    Neo Goba

    Just as many South Africans were recovering from the drama caused by the Economic Freedom Fighters over the weekend, the red berets yet again stormed one of the biggest malls in the country... read
    Body positive movement a significant trend for ladieswear in 2018
    Body positive movement a significant trend for ladieswear in 2018
    We recently saw a global clothing retailer unwittingly become the target of consumer fury locally, as a result of their sizing... read
    Social Media
    (c) Dzmitry Kliapitski -
    YouTube toughens rules regarding which videos get ads
    SAN FRANCISCO - YouTube on Tuesday announced ramped-up rules regarding when it will run ads with videos as it scrambled to quell concerns by brands about being paired with troublesome content... read
    What travel marketers need to know about Facebook's News Feed change
    What travel marketers need to know about Facebook's News Feed change

    Natalia Rosa

    In your dual role as travel marketer and Facebook consumer, the news that Facebook is going to 'clean-up' your News Feed will likely be met with a mix of joy and despair... read
    The who, what and why of the Ugandan Knuckles meme
    The who, what and why of the Ugandan Knuckles meme

    Andy Walker

    The internet is an odd and confusing place, and the gaming world's latest meme is solid proof of this... read
    (c) Vadim Ginzburg -
    What the Zuck? How to adjust your digital marketing strategy after Facebook's announcement

    Shelley Finch

    The shockwaves of Mark Zuckerberg's recent announcement regarding the impending change to Facebook's algorithm reverberated across the world... read
    (c) Alexander Kirch -
    Facebook move will play out in long-term: analysts
    NEW YORK - Facebook's move to highlight posts from friends and family over those from brands and publications follows months of turmoil for the social network and will result in lower advertising revenue - at least in the short-term, analysts said... read
    The art of business and the business of art

    Issued By Business and Arts South Africa

    New daily drama Imbewu: The Seed set to break local television boundaries on

    Issued By

    Youth Marketing
    Meeting youth in their need space

    Issued By IMC Conference

    IAB Digital Summit & Bookmarks
    IAB SA announces Bookmarks 2018 jury president, chairs
    IAB SA announces Bookmarks 2018 jury president, chairs
    The IAB SA today announced M&C Saatchi Abel chairman Jerry Mpufane as jury president as well as the jury chairs for the 10th annual Bookmark Awards taking place 1 March in Johannesburg... read
    Behind the Selfie
    #BehindtheSelfie with... Nkanyezi Masango
    #BehindtheSelfie with... Nkanyezi Masango

    Leigh Andrews

    This week, we go behind the selfie with Nkanyezi Masango, creative director at King James Group... read
    Loeries Creative Week Durban
    Team Black Bean Productions.
    #LoeriesRanking with... Black Bean Productions

    Leigh Andrews

    What better way to creatively ease into the working year than with a reminder of some of last year's top contenders at the Loeries? We continue the local insights with Black Bean Productions... read
    One Show Awards
    ADC Advertising, Interactive and Motion/Film Craft juries announced
    ADC Advertising, Interactive and Motion/Film Craft juries announced
    NEW YORK - The One Club for Creativity today announced full juries for the Advertising, Interactive and Motion/Film Craft categories of the ADC 97th Annual Awards... read
    ADC juries for four design categories announced
    ADC juries for four design categories announced
    NEW YORK - The One Club for Creativity has announced the 40 creatives who will judge work on the four design categories of the ADC 97th Annual Awards... read
    Instagram, Google+ join EU group fighting hate speech
    Instagram, Google+ join EU group fighting hate speech
    BRUSSELS - Facebook's Instagram and the Google+ social network have agreed to join an EU-sponsored group of US internet giants to combat online extremism, EU officials said Friday... read
    Journalists protest Philippine move to close news website
    Journalists protest Philippine move to close news website
    MANILA - Philippine journalists took to the streets Friday in support of a news website facing state-enforced closure, accusing President Rodrigo Duterte of trampling on press freedom... read
    (c) Jacek Dudzinski -
    Facebook, Twitter, YouTube pressed over terror content
    WASHINGTON - Terrorists and hate groups continue to get their propaganda onto social media platforms despite efforts by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to shut them down, a US Senate panel heard on Wednesday... read
    Facebook agrees to widen probe of Brexit vote fake news
    Facebook agrees to widen probe of Brexit vote fake news
    LONDON - British lawmakers probing possible Russian interference in the Brexit referendum revealed on Wednesday that Facebook had agreed to broaden its own investigation into fake news around the vote, after the social media platform's initial efforts drew criticism... read
    (c) tupungato -
    Daily Mail returns to Virgin Trains after outcry
    LONDON, UK: Virgin boss Richard Branson on Monday said he would resume offering the right-wing tabloid the Daily Mail on his trains after a decision not to stock them sparked accusations of censorship last week... read
    UK's Guardian daily goes tabloid to cut costs
    UK's Guardian daily goes tabloid to cut costs
    Britain's Guardian newspaper has adopted a new tabloid format and a re-designed masthead with simple black lettering from Monday as part of a drive to cut costs... read
    Jeanne Moreau
    "Life is an accomplishment and each moment has a meaning and you must use it."
    Arthur C. Clarke
    "It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value."
    Jim Carrey
    "My focus is to forget the pain of life. Forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce it. And laugh."
    Winston Churchill
    "The price of greatness is responsibility."
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."

    More quotes  Submit a Quote
    Why marketers want to leave their job - Marketing Week
    Good news for journalists: a new study found trust in journalism is up. But trust in the media overall is down, and...
    Some good notes on, and examples of, how to make best use of chatbots for marketing #digitalmarketing
    RT @Ogilvy: "A flower is simply a weed with a marketing budget." -@RorySutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy UK #OgilvySessions
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    • Spier appoints Lauren Shantall Integrated Communications - more info
    • Fivestar PR expands its luxury villa portfolio - more info

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    Jobs offered
    Freelance Digital Designer - Johannesburg
    We're looking for an exceptional freelance digital designer with experience at conceptualising and executing across the full spectrum of digital mediums to join our fast growing team. Read more >>

    Exhibition Designer - Cape Town
    Scan Display's Cape Town office is looking for an architect, interior designer or industrial designer with experience and an interest in exhibitions. Send CVs to Read more >>

    Art Director/Designer - Johannesburg
    We are looking for a creative Art Director who enjoys working in a fast-paced environment and loves the challenge of discovering what makes consumers click. Read more >>

    Corporate Communications Writer - Johannesburg
    We are looking for a talented writer to join our team at Sigil Design Bureau - a design and authorship studio specialising in corporate communication. Read more >>

    Marketing Copywriter - Johannesburg
    Needed: A competent, interesting copywriter with marketing experience who knows how to write copy that sells! Read more >>

    Designer - Cape Town
    Our team has recently grown, and to complete it we're seeking a supremely talented and wonderful designer who is confident to take their work through to final artwork stage. Read more >>

    Graphic Designer/Digital Print Operator - Pretoria
    Graphic designer/digital print operator position available at a well-known printing company. Previous printing and graphic design experience are absolutely essential. Please email CV to Read more >>

    Junior-Mid Animator - Johannesburg
    Kabuki Productions is looking for a junior-mid animator, confident in both 2D and 3D animation, able to conceptualise and produce exceptionally creative and out of the box work. Read more >>

    New events to diarise
    Online marketing/social media strategy boot camp
    SND Audio - 24 Jan 2018, Somerset West | 20 Feb 2018, Worcester | 23 Feb 2018, Somerset West

    InDesign basic to intermediate
    Multidimensions - 1 Feb 2018, Johannesburg

    Photoshop basic to intermediate
    Multidimensions - 2 Feb 2018, Johannesburg

    Illustrator basic to intermediate
    Multidimensions - 5 Feb 2018, Johannesburg

    InDesign pro skills
    Multidimensions - 5 Feb 2018, Johannesburg

    Essentials of digital media management
    Rhodes University Sol Plaatje Institute - 12 Feb 2018 to 16 Feb 2018, Johannesburg

    Creative writing, editing for corporate publications
    IAJ - Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 12 Mar 2018 to 16 Mar 2018, Johannesburg

    The essentials of broadcast media management course
    Rhodes University Sol Plaatje Institute - 12 Mar 2018 to 16 Mar 2018, Johannesburg

    Journos' writers gym
    IAJ - Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 19 Jun 2018 to 21 Jun 2018, Johannesburg

    Two-Day Design Thinking Fundamentals Course
    DesignThinkers Academy - 29 Jan 2018 to 30 Jan 2018, Cape Town

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