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Advertising Forums South Africa

Give me art or give me overtime

I'm happy with either, but dont lie to me by calling one the other

In art you create with passion. You create with a goal in mind, a societal crevice to explore, a point to prove. You create from the heart but, and more importantly, you create to satisfy your own personal creativity.

Advertising is creative marketing. You have objectives and deliverables. You have financial goals. It's a business. Somewhere, someone is making a lot of money (hopefully) from your creative solutions. Advertising is not art, it's a job.

And yet, in this "progressive" stage in advertising's life, agencies still feel the need to dupe its employees by saying things like "If you're passionate about it, you'll work over the weekend. for free". which would be fine, if this was art. But it's not, it's advertising. It's dollars and cents, products and consumers. Like any other business, it's a business.

So pay your employees, and stop being outdated idiots.

thank you

Forum created by R M
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