[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 111: Stretch Experiential Marketing with Mike Silver
We looked at the history of company, experiential marketing and the importance of building brands with experiences.
We discussed current experiential trends, internal employee engagement and how experiential marketing can be measured and return on investment calculated. Silver also took us through some of the questions he receives from clients around what experiential marketing is and how it can be integrated into marketing plans.
He also spoke about the Lipton Ice Tea floating vending machine, which Stretch Experiential Marketing put together.
World's First Floating Vending Machine
Some of the campaigns mentioned by Mike were:
Heineken - The candidate
Aldo - Isreal
Check out Stretch Experiential Marketing here: www.stretchexp.com
Get all the information by listening to this week's podcast of the show, which airs every Thursday 9am-10am streamed live via 2oceansVibe Radio.
The news roundup:
- Pete Case of Gloo on what it takes to keep winning awards
- [NewsMaker] Catherine Robson
- 2014 Sunday Times Top 100 Companies results out
- Six of the worst customer service practices... and how to fix them
- Featured Job: Marketing Manager
If you are interested in getting interviewed on Biz Takeouts, or want to suggest a show topic, email Warren Harding (@bizwazza) on moc.ytinummoczib@stuoekatzib.
If you missed the show, download (74.9MB) or listen to the podcast (40:58min).
Episode 111: Stretch Experiential Marketing with Mike Silver
Date: 30 October 2014 Length: 40:58min File size: 74.9MB Host: Warren Harding
Bizcommunity.com's Biz Takeouts Marketing & Media Show takes South Africa's biggest online marketing, media and ad industry platform to the airwaves and gives relevant, useful and interesting insights into all aspects of marketing in SA, Africa and beyond. Each week, the show features the movers and the shakers of the industry, current media trends, upcoming events and brand activities.
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