Critical workshop on disposal of industrial and chemical packaging
The workshop will be of particular value to organisations or individuals involved in the supply chain of industrial and chemical packaging. Participants will be challenged to contribute towards finding a national solution for the handling of used industrial and chemical packaging.
Used industrial and chemical packaging containers that are not correctly disposed of or reprocessed for re-use can have ongoing detrimental effects on members of the community that may inadvertently use them for other purposes. Thus, the topic of extended producer responsibility (EPR) is of critical importance to address. The workshop will encourage industry players to share their ideas on how to ensure collection of used packaging for safe re-use whilst reducing the waste of this valuable resource and satisfying the Waste Act EPR and industry waste management plan (IWMP) requirements.
The workshop will include a presentation on the Waste Act discussing regulations, IWMP and EPR opportunities. Attorney, Ryan Dingley will discuss the Consumer Protection Act and the implications the act will have for the industrial packaging sector.
Other discussion topics will include requirements for compatible, compliant packaging to reduce risk; an overview of waste tyres regulations and IWMP; an overview of electronic waste, eWasa process regulations as well as IWMP and EPR opportunities in the industrial packaging sector and eThekwini Safe Drum Policy. Reuben Kadalie, Operations Manager for the National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC), will discuss the opportunity that exists for RPMASA members to become involved in the NCPC Cleaner Production programme.
To attend the workshop, phone Lindi Berrino on +27 (0) 11 317 3861 or +27 (0) 82 720 5147.