Five steps to best-in-class sales performance
New technologies are enabling customers to find out more about your company - and your competitors. This presents a new challenge for sales forces, which now have to interact with better-informed buyers. New Aberdeen research indicates five factors companies should focus on to improve their sales strategies.
As the advent of new customer-facing technologies (such as social media platforms) changes the way consumers gather information about a particular company's products or services, sales representatives are challenged to sell to a customer base that better understands the competitive landscape. As a result, companies realize that they must enable their sales force to work smarter, not harder, to acquire and retain customers.
In August 2008, Aberdeen surveyed 218 companies to understand how top-performing companies are positively affecting top-line revenue growth through improved sales performance strategies, capabilities and technological enablers. The report, publishing on 1 October, examines how top performers (the Best-in-Class companies) put their sales representatives in a position to succeed through a focus on overall sales structure, lead management and cross-functional integration.