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What every Media Owner needs to know about flirting
We all know how popular SMS has become. What you may not realise is that anyone with a cell phone that can send an SMS (and that is just about everyone) can now use their phone to meet new people, make new friends or find love and romance. It's called SMS flirting and its ideal for Media Owners with unsold inventory, spare capacity, or whose offering in any way relates to singles or dating.
MediaFlirt is a SMS flirting system designed specifically for Media Owners. MediaFlirt can be used to set up a new SMS flirting service within 24 hours. The service can be completely branded by the Media Owner but can still tap into an existing base of SMS flirters. This means the service will appear established and full of interesting people right from the start. As a Media Owner you simply advertise the service using your media space and we take care of all the rest.
MediaFlirt has many powerful features not found in other SMS flirting systems. In a country such as South Africa where most people have cell phones but do not have access to the Internet, MediaFlirt fills a void by allowing people to quickly, easily and relatively cheaply start meeting new people.
For more information on MediaFlirt please visit www.mediaflirt.com. To find out how you can use MediaFlirt to attract audience back to your media offering, to create a value added service associated with your brand, and at the same time to generate additional revenue please contact .
Editorial contact
Daniel Cimring