Helping students to navigate their lives in a sea of change
Individuals need to find the right balance to achieve their academic and/or professional goals, whilst allowing themselves to still attend to their emotional well-being, as the decisions made during this period will either have a positive or negative outcome beyond.
Students, parents and educators have also reeled from the effects of Covid-19 on the education system and are still adapting to the new way of doing things. At the moment every student is gripped with uncertainty and fear of the Covid-19 situation we find ourselves in. They are worried about the time they have lost, how they are going to catch up on their studies and write exams. The fear and uncertainty is real and students need to do something that will help them cope and overcome the situation.
The 7 Habits for Highly Effective College Students short course presented through Enterprises University of Pretoria (Enterprises UP) and facilitated by Fanie Walters from the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, University of Pretoria (UP) is exactly what the students need to cope and make this a successful year.
The course is built on the foundation of Stephen R. Covey’s global bestselling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and was the foundation for this student success curriculum authored by Sean Covey and eight other leading academic experts. The 7 Habits is the world’s best-known personal-leadership framework, synthesising key principles of personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
The course is a high-impact student success course that benefits and sustains students at university and beyond. It is delivered through a powerful blended learning experience and designed to enhance student engagement, improve persistence, strengthen student learning and increase retention and completion rates. Furthermore, the course provides students with the skills, tools, and mindsets they need to succeed in a global and ever-changing marketplace.
In an interview with Tuks FM, Jonathan Ramsamy, Director of FranklinCovey South Africa, shared some insight and tips with students on how to cope during this period. Ramsamy said, “If anything right now we should be doing three important things which are taken completely from the 7 Habits for Highly Effective College Students short course:
- Focus on their circle of control (most of them are driven by fear and are focusing on their circle of concern).
- We should not downplay this fear we should be providing people with skills on how to listen with empathy.
- We should help them prioritise to ensure they can reduce stress by helping them remain in balance with both the academic year and their emotional well-being.
"For people to succeed during this year they would need a framework to help them cope. The 7 habits framework is probably more relevant for people right now than ever before.
"I know that people may feel that they need to catch up on the academic year but without a new game plan they would become overwhelmed and give up before they had given themselves a fighting chance to achieve their desired results.”
Ramsamy elaborated extensively on the benefits of this course. Listen to the full interview here.
Should you wish to enrol for the 7 Habits for Highly Effective College Students short course click here and for more information on our Training and Research services please do not hesitate to contact our management team.
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