First Industrial Sustainability conference to be held in Gauteng
The National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA) will be hosting the country's first Industrial Sustainability Conference 11-12 March 2013 at Emperor's Palace, Gauteng. Target audience for the conference includes decision makers and key stakeholders in the fields of policy development, industry, academia and environmental experts and the media in the context of resource efficiency.
The NCPC-SA is a key industrial sustainability programme of the dti, hosted at the CSIR. Its mandate is to enable South African industry to increase its competitive capability and sustainability through more resource efficient and cleaner production. It was established at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. It is a member of UNIDO and UNEP's global resource efficiency and cleaner production network (RECPnet) and plays a leading role in the African Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption (ARSCP).
The conference will focus on issues around enhancing industrial competitiveness through resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP). Topics include:
- Sustainable energy, water and material use - challenges, solutions and case studies
- Government policy and instruments to enhance industrial manufacturing sector development
- Critical industry needs and addressing the challenges of global competition
- Financial incentive schemes
There is no charge to attend the conference but registration is required, as numbers are limited. For more information, go to