Follow Prohyas and Vambre and their Mighty Magiswords on CN
An all-new Cartoon Network Studios comedy series, created by Kyle A. Carrozza (The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water), Mighty Magiswords starts on Cartoon Network (DStv channel 301) in March 2017. The series follows warrior siblings, Prohyas and Vambre as they venture on heroic quests using swords called Magiswords.
The series also spans more than 400 pieces of original content including interactive shorts, narrative vlogs hosted by the warriors themselves and a multitude of digital games as well as a a unique Magiswords-themed app launching later this year. The series will make its debut on Cartoon Network on 13 March 2017 at 5.05pm with an episode titled, Cleanliness Is Next to Grupliness.