Optional wenching at Joburg Medieval Banquet
The event is organised by the team of Meryl Rosenberg and Dayle Robyn Mallinson, organisers of South Africa’s biggest annual Magical Medieval Fayre, held in September every year.
From noon to 6pm a medieval market opens with all manner of medieval games and craftsmen and entry is free. All commoners will be turned away at 6pm (except for an exclusive 100 who hast secured their place at the feast via fealty to the Kingdom of Quicket) and the banquet will start!
Tickets are broken down into three categories, namely Royalty, Nobility and Commoners.
Royal tickets
Only 100 Royal tickets are available to only the bluest of blood to attend the exclusive banquet. R550 per Royal or R1000 per Royal Couple or R4750 per Royal House of 10. Includes:
* Any three of the available activities during the day: Fight a Knight with Battle Heritage SA, Game of Kings, Werewolf After Dark with Geekxp or The Troll Bow Project Archery;
* A souvenir photo in the beautiful grounds to take home with you as a memento;
* A medieval spit roast banquet of succulent lamb as well as pork with seasonal roast vegetables and the upper crust of bread and a delicious, authentically medieval dessert; and
* A bottle of Eoin's Tankard mead on the royal tables to share between your House.
Noble tickets
A limited number of Noble tickets available to celebrate the annual Medieval Banquet in a style worthy of thy nobility! R475 per Nobleman or lady or R900 per Noble Couple or R4000 per Noble House of 10. Includes:
* Any one of the available activities during the day: Fight a Knight, Game of Kings, Warewolf After Dark or Troll Bow Archery;
* A souvenir photo in the beautiful grounds to take home with you as a memento;
* A medieval spit roast banquet of chicken and pork with seasonal roast vegetables and the upper crust of bread and a delicious, authentically medieval dessert; and * The right to be mildly discourteous to commoners ;)
Commoners tickets
Only the best of Commoners will sup with the lords and ladies this night! At the cost of R325 per commoner, your seat entitles you to:
• A medieval spit roast banquet of chicken and pork with seasonal roast vegetables, rustic bread and a delicious, authentically medieval dessert.
Only 10 stalls available from R350. Make sure you are signed up on www.medievalfayre.co.za/stallholders to be notified when stall booking opens.
Parking is R10 per car.
More information: az.oc.sruob-hgien@tekram
Website: www.medievalfayre.co.za
Tickets available on Quicket