Ninth annual Media Kidocracy Konfrence next week
Topics will include freedom of expression, child sexual exploitation, HIV and AIDS, the social identity of “mixed-cultures”, how gender is made, and global warming.
The delegates will participate in production workshops from Wednesday 10 December, broken down as follows (media used indicated in brackets):
- Human rights - freedom of expression - (dance)
- Labor - child sexual exploitation - (online)
- Health - HIV and AIDS - (TV)
- Arts and culture - the social identity of ‘Mixed Cultures' - (photography)
- Gender - wow is gender made? - (radio)
- Environment - global warming - (graffiti)
Following the success of MKK 2007, the project planning committee for Bush Radio's CREW (Children's Radio Education Workshop) began to work on content for this year's conference.
From the discussions with CREW facilitators and conference delegates, a few important issues were raised that they felt needed to be included in MKK, in particular global warming and how youth could be part of the solution. Another hot topic was the discussion around cultural and religious perceptions as it related to gender, and at what point "gender is made".
The issue of HIV and AIDS was also high on the list but at MKK 2008, they want to focus on how far the continent and world has come in providing solutions to the pandemic. The aim is to highlight the success stories of individuals willing to share their stories through media, and their rationale: "If she/he can do it, so can I."
The final issue discussed was freedom of expression as a fundamental human right. They decided to explore how media freedom and access to information feeds into the wider development of empowering people, as well as the access young people have when it comes to media and information.
Another development that came out of these discussions is the need to broaden the reach of their message by including other forms of media, such as dance, graffiti and photography.
Examples of previous MKK products: