Van Ryn's named Top Brandy Producer
28 Jun 2016
SA wins four golds at 2014 ISC
20 May 2014
SA strikes gold at ISC
12 Jun 2013
SA whiskies win awards
11 Aug 2010
Two were won by Van Ryn's Distillery for its 10 Year Old Vintage Brandy and the 15 Year Old Fine Cask Reserve. Both medallists were selected on the basis of blind judging, with Neil Mathieson of the esteemed retail specialist Eaux de Vie, serving as category chairman for cognacs, armagnacs and brandies submitted for consideration.
Van Ryn's, owned by Distell, has twice earned the title of Best Brandy on the ISC. It has also won the Worldwide Best Brandy award three times on the International Wine & Spirits Competition, also held in London.
Other SA gold medallists were KWV for its 20 Year old KWV Potstill Brandy and Distell for its Mellow Wood Standard.