NAB 'owns' in Namibia
Rob Dukoff-Gordon of NAB Africa explains that it is already established within the German (Algemeine Zeitung) and Afrikaans (Republikein) speaking markets in Namibia. "Namibian Sun is a partnership between Media 24 and DMH, but NAB Africa will be dealing with all media bookings and placements," he says.
Targeted mainly at the younger English market, ages 18-40, the Namibian Sun will feature 'fantastic' full colour photographs, high quality journalism with 'in-your-face' must read stories and gripping headlines. "Advertisers can't go wrong with this new and exciting product," says Dukoff-Gordon.
With an initial print run of 36 000, the newspaper will hit the streets of Namibia every Thursday.
"We are looking forward to adding value to existing and potential advertisers by increasing the avenues we have to reach their target markets."