Advertising Forums South Africa

Billboards taking over the suburbs

Are we allowing our suburbs to be overtaken by billboards and ad poles and is there a line to what should be advertised on them?

A billboard advertising Teazers has gone up on Bowling Avenue at the intersection of South Road in Wendywood, a suburb of Sandton. As a ratepayer I have not been consulted on the bombardment of advertising in our once typical suburban neighbourhood - and if I was I certainly would not have sanctioned all the billboards and ad poles (even for a neat thermometer atop each one).

Furthermore I think it is outrageous to be advertising adult entertainment clubs on billboards in a family zone. Media Power obviously doesn't think so because it is getting paid whether its Spar or Teazers but what has happened to the social conscience of South Africans? Do we want Sandton to turn into another Sea Point? Will the rate of these hideous billboards and ad poles slow down? Where is the watchdog? SOMEBODY HELP!

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