ANC, SANEF agree to continue to disagree
In "robust talks" at ANC headquarters at Luthuli House in Johannesburg late last week, media editors and the ruling party butted heads over the media appeals tribunal, the Protection of Information Bill and relationships. They did agree on a way forward marked by mutual discussion, though how that'd happen is still up in the air.
It was the first time the ANC had met with the South African National Editors' Forum in more than two years, despite the forum's repeated requests for a meeting. Together with the Press Council and the press ombudsman, editors and the ANC engaged in discussions that the congress called "tense".
What's important is that despite disagreements, neither side minced words (and the ANC complaining about a lack of diplomacy), both sides described the meeting as "positive, useful and constructive to forging a way forward".
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- Keep South Africa's Media Free: Facebook and @safreemedia
- SANEF: Media Freedom
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- Google News Search: Protection of Information Bill media appeals tribunal
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- Google Blog Search: Protection of Information Bill media appeals tribunal
Source: Daily Maverick
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