Implementing easy sustainability practice
However, incorporating sustainability or green initiatives in the workplace can be a challenge for some organisations. Challenges range from lack of support, unknowing what to do or simply, resistance to change.
Employees need to understand how they play an intricate and integral role, understand the impact of what they do and how it translates back to this commitment. In order to execute green initiatives successfully within the workplace, organisations should start with small, relatively easy things employees can incorporate into their workday. These initiatives should be easy to implement and measure.
Sustainability tips
- Post a bulletin board or suggestion box for sharing green practices. Communication is essential for sharing best environmental practices and recognising personal or team successes. Make sure there's an easy way to coordinate these at your workplace. Encourage employees to get involve and to make a difference. The more they are involved, the more likely they are to participate.
- Ask employees to bring a mug or reusable cup to work instead of using paper cups for hot and cold beverages. It's simple for employees to bring their own mug to work - it's a personal statement about their commitment to sustainability. Their actions can encourage others to do the same.
- Reduce the number of emails or documents employees print and encourage that they reuse paper whenever possible. Each person in an office uses an average of 1.5 lbs/.68 kg of paper per day, so encourage employees to get in the habit of reading documents on their computer screen and saving for future reference.
- Share trade publications between co-workers or departments. There is little benefit to having multiple employees receiving the same publication. You'll save money on subscriptions and reduce the impact of printing to the environment. Be sure to recycle all the publications you receive.
- Set up printers so it defaults to printing double-sided. Simply asking employees to print double-sided requires additional steps and/or knowledge on how to do this. Printers should be set to automatically print double-sided. You'll buy half as much paper.
- Reduce power usage by buying energy efficient equipment. Almost every piece of equipment comes in an energy-efficient form, from office equipment (computers, copiers, fax machines, mailing machines, printers, and scanners) to factory lunchrooms (refrigerators, coffee pots, microwave ovens and vending machines). Include energy-efficient equipment as part of your purchasing policies.
- Plug office equipment into a power strip and turn off at the end of the day. Even in standby mode, office equipment uses energy. You'll be on the road to having a more involved "green team" if you develop a rotating schedule for turning off power strips at the end of the day.
Start small. Celebrate and reward the small successes and use the momentum to implement larger initiatives throughout the workplace. A green workplace is a sustainable workplace!