VRM: Consumers take control
VRM - vendor relationship management - is a concept that turns CRM on its head. It's designed to put consumers in control of the transaction and level the landscape. This is not an us-versus-them movement; rather, it is a deliberate approach by consumers that will be equally beneficial to vendors.
If you are in London on April 24th, you might want to check out the next monthly VRM Hub meeting. What is VRM, you wonder?
For starters, VRM, or vendor relationship management, is the brainchild of Doc Searls, senior editor of Linux Journal and co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto. Project VRM is a community-driven effort headed by Searls and headquartered at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Its goal is to build an open source framework of standards and protocols for a category of tools that will let individuals and organizations interact on more equivalent terms.