EXCLUSIVE: "You know, there is a billboard that says Never heard of Pineapple? Honestly same.”Danette Breitenbach
New appointments at Touchline Media 6 Nov 20066 Nov 2006 PrintPDFSend to a friendMore sharing options More sharing options Bianca Fowler has been appointed as events co-ordinator for Touchline Media.Monique Denton has been appointed as PR and events assistant for Men's Health, Shape, Fit Pregnancy, Men's Health Living and Runner's World magazines.Carine Ades has been appointed as events manager for Touchline Media.Sian Marshall-Benzie been appointed as senior designer for Bicycling Magazine.Pieter Redelinghys has been appointed as associate editor for Sports Illustrated Afrikaanse Uitgawe.Tanya Fredericks has been appointed as production manager of Bicycling and Runner's World magazines.Jane Smith has been appointed as production editor for Sports Illustrated and The Wisden Cricketer magazines.