Unpacking the legal and ethical aspects of South Africa's Covid-19 track and trace app
Marietjie Botes 11 Nov 2020
"Healthcare can be a big part of your budget and it is important to use your available medical aid benefits in the best way possible," says Varsha Vala, Health Specialist at Momentum Health. "We often see members going straight to a specialist before consulting their local healthcare practitioner. In the long run, visiting your GP first can save you money and still provide you with the same health outcomes."
While medical specialists do play an important role, most of your daily health needs and routine check-ups can be provided by your local GP or clinic sister. Similarly, GPs are equally equipped to administer baby immunisations at a fraction of the cost that a paediatrician would charge.
General practitioners are trained to take care of your general healthcare needs and will refer you to a medical specialist, such as a paediatrician, dermatologist or ophthalmologist, in cases where a greater level of expertise is required. Specialist visits come at a higher price than GP consultations due to their specialised expertise in a particular field, which means that they may charge more per consultation than what is covered by your medical aid.
Good medical care for everyone is as much about preventing illness as it is about treating it and that requires careful observation over time, usually conducted or coordinated by your GP. Besides your GP and medical specialist, your local clinic sister and pharmacist are also able to provide you with excellent medical advice.
"Having an open relationship with your local GP or healthcare practitioner is vital to ensuring that your health is maintained, diseases are detected early and treated, which ultimately may help to keep you at an optimal state of wellness and reduce your healthcare expenses," says Vala.
Vala points out the following additional ways to help you save on your medical aid: