Pump that Space Hopper
There are hundreds of deflated Space Hoppers sitting in a secret warehouse, waiting to be pumped up from 23 November 2009 to 6 December 2009, giving everyone across the world the opportunity to ‘spark something' and be part of the fun.
Consumers who want to get involved simply need to access the warehouse via www.sonyericsson.com/hopperinvasion and Tweet #pumpt; this will pump up the Space Hoppers in real-time and all the action will be streamed live via a webcam.
As consumers watch the Space Hoppers being pumped up on the website, they can also let their imagination run wild and tell Sony Ericsson what they would like do with them. From the inventive and the creative to the downright outrageous, the best idea will be brought to life, with the winner taking part.