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Zoopy offers HD video support
"The website has an overhauled look and feel and improved functionality that allows users to "do more, see more and enjoy more,” he adds.
"It's the fourth version of our site and the best in just about every way. After listening to our users and the constant voices inside our own heads, we've spent the last few months sculpting a Zoopy interface that makes things easier to find, gives content a more beautiful platform, and moulds a stronger foundation on which to continue its growth into the future.
HD video
One of the most significant additions to the site is support for HD video. Users are now able to view any videos uploaded at a resolution of 1280x720 or higher in superior high definition quality. These can be viewed from inside the video player or by visiting the HD page.
Other changes to the site include revamped video and audio players, more prominent TV content, revised profile and media management, customised channels and more detailed location information that visually displays the point at which the media was captured.
Developer apps
There is good news for developers too. The new API has advanced to a level where even the site itself is able to run off it exclusively, opening the door to many more uses of the framework in online and mobile multimedia applications.
Elk is confident that the new Zoopy will attract even more users to the service and invites those who have never visited before to give it a try.
Detailed technical information can be found at wiki.zoopy.com.