Social communication minister praises dedication of TPA personnel
In a message of congratulation on TPA's 36th anniversary on 18 October 2011, the minister says that the professionals' engagement is noted within the borders of the country through the channels 1 and 2 and abroad through the international channel which, she adds, can be considered as a relevant achievement that will remain in the history of the television station.
"May I, on my own behalf and on behalf of the workers of the social communication ministry, salute the management and staff of the Televisão Pública de Angola for one more anniversary," she says in her message.
The minister also wished the date to be celebrated in an environment of joy and feast, for one more year of accomplished duty.
To the minister, being the television a medium with the capacity to expand the horizon of comprehension of the phenomena that involves the societies and at the same time a factor that permits the perception of the actual world in other latitudes, the TPA workers daily work must always keep in mind the need for the construction of a society on the basis of a sound cohabitation environment.
These sound cohabitation environment standards, according to the minister, must serve to consolidate the institutions of the lawful, free and democratic State under construction in Angola.
"On the basis of a plural information strict management at the service of citizenship, we can feel happy, as the indicators show that the work done by the firm's management is on good path," reads the minister's message.
The source also stated that the station's work aims to transform TPA into a reference brand, adjusted to the most modern standards of the world's television chains.
Minister Carolina Cerqueira said the station's management is faced with several challenges that should be seen as opportunities to show the potential at all levels, adjusting to the dynamics of the informative society whose technological revolution moves at an impressive speed.