September's Secretarial Schedule 2007
We have four courses that address issues from:
- how to stand up to your boss with our coming across as insubordinate or rude PLUS how to defend yourself at the self-defense life skills workshop
- learn all about the important financial and budgetary information that passes your desk on a day-to-day basis
- increase your reading ability by 300%
- or master the key skills that will help you to become an exceptional executive secretary
Assertiveness Skills PLUS Self Defence Life Skills for Secretaries and PAs – Learn powerful skills to assert yourself and stand your ground in the workplace
Do you know what character type are you?
Do you know what it mean to be assertive and why you would want to be?
Can you effectively deal with manipulative people?
…if you can't positively answer each of these questions – you can't confidently deal with peers, colleagues and superiors.
Finance and Budgets for Secretaries and PAs – Master essential financial skills needed by every secretary/PA PLUS a separately bookable MS Excel Workshop
By attending this course:
Key Skills for the Exceptional Executive Secretary/PA – Your complete guide to maximising your multi-tasking and sharpening your professional excellence!
Use your expert Secretarial/PA skills to:
* Identify when you should offer your boss help and support
* help your boss make the right decision
* work with more than one boss
* write professional office copy
* orchestrate a professional and seamless team
DRASTICALLY IMPROVE YOUR READING SPEED BY 300% - How? By attending Speed Reading Skills for Secretaries and PAs – increase your retention ability; retain more vital information using learnt recall techniques and mapping; identify and eliminate restrictive reading habits; improve your concentration and comprehension skills as well as applying these newly acquired skills during practical sessions.
Visit or Call +27 011 771 7000 or
Email: or Fax: +27 011 880 6789