[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 110: Consumer Marketing Insights 2015 eBook and more
Michael Carney, Harley Africa Marketing Manager, joined us to give all the details of the #ride4health event, the charity details and how you can get involved. You can get more info on the Harley Davidson Africa Facebook page.
The we took a closer look at the recently launched ebook from One Up Agency (@OneUpAgency) called 25 Consumer Marketing Insights 2015. We spoke to Marketing Director at One Up Agency, Alex Harrington-Griffin (@Alex_H_Griffin) to find out more about the ebook, the experts involved and the reason the book was put together. We also chatted to two of the experts featured in the book namely, Dirk Tolken (@dirktolken) CMO for Semantica Digital (@semanticasa) and Kisha van Vuuren (@quichekish) from Tin Can PR (@tincanpr) to see what 2015 holds in the various industries.
Get your copy of the 25 Consumer Marketing Insights 2015 ebook.
Lastly on the show we spoke to Nader Henein, Regional Director: Product Security, BlackBerry. We chatted about the BYOD landscape, advice on managing mobile risks and compliance imperatives as well as empowering end-users with mobile tools with no compromise to security. All this was featured in the BlackBerry Experience event which took place in Cape Town on 23 October.
Get all the information by listening to this week's podcast of the show, which airs every Thursday 9am-10am streamed live via 2oceansVibe Radio.
The news roundup:
- The rivalry of the mobile handset industry in SA
- [WDC2014] Summary of the WDC Design Policy Conference's first day
- MTN offering voluntary retrenchment to cut staff costs
- Creating shopper chemistry for brands
- Featured job: Head of Marketing
If you are interested in getting interviewed on Biz Takeouts, or want to suggest a show topic, email Warren Harding (@bizwazza) on moc.ytinummoczib@stuoekatzib.
If you missed the show, download (101MB) or listen to the podcast (55:38min).
Episode 110: Consumer Marketing Insights 2015 eBook and more
Date: 23 October 2014 Length: 55:38min File size: 101MB Host: Warren Harding
Bizcommunity.com's Biz Takeouts Marketing & Media Show takes South Africa's biggest online marketing, media and ad industry platform to the airwaves and gives relevant, useful and interesting insights into all aspects of marketing in SA, Africa and beyond. Each week, the show features the movers and the shakers of the industry, current media trends, upcoming events and brand activities.
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