Vital launches Cranberry Complex and Arthrit Ease
According to Vital, urinary tract infections are very common amongst the female population, 80% of all women experience a UTI at least once, while approximately 20% of all women suffer with a UTI every year. Vital has released Cranberry Complex to bring relief to those that suffer with urinary tract infections.
UTIs respond very well and its symptoms are quickly relieved with antibiotic treatment as they are mainly caused by bacteria. Unfortunately, these antibiotics may result in secondary infections and in some cases, with frequently recurring UTIs, resistance may develop against the effects of antibiotics. Natural alternatives have become popular due to effective treatment, fewer side effects and lower cost.
Vital Cranberry Complex contains Cranberry, an evidence-based natural remedy, Stinging Nettle (a urinary tract antiseptic), Buchu and Vitamin C, for easing and preventing UTIs.
Vital has also launched a new product to help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. Arthritis is a condition affecting the joints and surrounding connective tissues. It is usually characterised by pain and stiffness of the joints caused by inflammation.
Vital Athrit Ease which is formulated with joint support nutrients, including Chondroitin, Glucosamine, MSM, Omega 3 fatty acids, Celery Seed and Boswellia serrata. Says Vital, this blend of natural ingredients works together to assist the body in maintaining the health and mobility of joints.
Available at health shops, pharmacies, Dis-Chem, Clicks and Wellness Warehouse. Go to and for more information.