The National Crop Estimates Committee has just released the intentions-to-plant summer crops for 2018. Producers' intentions-to-plant summer crops are based on the results of a non-probability survey conducted by the Directorate: Statistics and Economic Analysis of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and reflects the position as at the middle of October 2017.
Intentions-to-plant maize
According to the results of the survey, commercial producers intend to plant 2,470 million hectares (ha) of maize for 2018, which is 6.0% or 158,200 ha less than the 2,629 million ha planted last season.
The figures show that producers intend to plant 1,404 million ha white maize, which is 239 000 ha (14.5%) less than in the previous season. In the case of yellow maize, the expected plantings are 1,066 million ha, which is 80,800 ha (8.2%) more than in the previous season.
Producers indicated that less maize, especially white maize will be planted for the 2018 season, mainly because of farmers switching to other crops such as oilseeds and yellow maize, due to price competitiveness.
Intentions-to-plant oilseeds
In the case of sunflower seeds, the expected area planted is estimated at 665,500 ha, which is 4.7% or 29,750 ha more than the 635,750 ha planted last season. The increase in the expected area planted to sunflower seeds is mainly because of increases in the Free State and North West provinces, due to indications that the expected area planted with white maize will decrease more in the aforementioned provinces than in the other provinces.
The intended plantings of soya beans show an increase of 25.4% or 146,050 ha compared to the previous season, from 573,950 ha to 720,000 ha.
The expected plantings of groundnuts will increase by 17.0% or 9,500 ha, from 56,000 ha to 65,500 ha.
Intentions-to-plant other crops
The intended plantings of sorghum are expected to increase slightly by 3.2% or 1,350 ha to 43,700 ha, compared to the previous season.
The expected plantings of dry beans are estimated at 60,000 ha, which is 33.2% or 14,950 ha more than in the previous season.
Please note that the preliminary area planted estimate for summer grains for 2018 will be released on 30 January 2018.