Study explores what is likely to bring a sense of well-being in old age
The project 'Understanding Inequality in Elderly Well-being in China and the UK' is led by Professor Albert Park, Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford, in collaboration with Professor Y Zhao at Peking University. The international collaboration between researchers in the UK and China will use newly available data to answer global issues about aging and caring for the elderly.
A wealth of data
The comparative research project will use two high-quality longitudinal datasets: the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA) and the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). ELSA is modelled on a similar study in the US ( the Health and Retirement Study) and aims to study a sample of people over the age of 50 every two years in order to see how people's health, economic and social circumstances change over time, as well as subjective questions about life satisfaction or feelings of loneliness.
The surveys also include a wealth of other data, such as whether the respondents have links with their community or relationships with family members, and socio-economic factors, education, physical and mental health, social interaction, sex, respondents' ages and family characteristics.
An early analysis of the datasets has already presented some intriguing findings: the English dataset has shown that although wealth could be linked to feelings of well-being, it did not lead to a strong correlation over a longer period of time. The preliminary findings also suggest that social interactions are strongly linked to a sense of well-being.
The differences between countries
Meanwhile in the CHARLS pilot study, education was found to be a much more robust indicator of health differences than living standards. As in the UK, links with the community appears to be a key to better health. Those with better memory and cognitive skills also reported a higher participation in social activities, such as locally organised dances. The researchers noted that those living in cities were more likely than those in rural areas to be able to participate in organised social activities.
Professor Albert Park, Professor of Economics at Oxford University and co-director of the CHARLS, said: 'Comparisons between countries can be invaluable for identifying clearly what relationships appear to be universal and which depend on cultural or local factors. China's unique institutional history and rapid pace of modernisation provides us with a rich laboratory for testing possible determinants of well-being in old age. It has institutions that restrict population mobility, with rich variation in the environments faced by persons living in different parts of the country and in rural versus urban areas.
'We also want to examine the differences between countries. For instance, is being old and poor a condition that has some universal outcomes or are the local factors more important, so your sense of well-being could depend on whether you live in the UK or China? We might find that elderly poor in the UK are more likely to be socially isolated and in poor health than their counterparts in China where a strong sense of community is still evident, particularly in rural areas.
One of a number of projects
The year-long project, led by the University of Oxford, is one of 12 new Pathfinder projects jointly funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa that cover a wide variety of topics including wellbeing, social mobility and growth.
Commenting on the Pathfinder projects, ESRC's Chief Executive, Professor Paul Boyle said, 'Research in China and South Africa has grown rapidly in the last few years so it is important for UK social scientists to work with their international counterparts to tackle the global challenges we all face. Research in common areas will have important implications for the UK; supporting UK social scientists on international projects creates additional resources which offer new perspectives on UK issues, and increases the potential for UK research to have an international impact.
Albert Park is Professor in Economics (jointly with the School of Interdisciplinary Areas Studies). His recent research focuses on poverty, human capital (health and education), labour markets, and globalisation. He is co-directing the Gansu Survey of Children and Families (GSCF) and CHARLS. CHARLS is designed to be representative of residents in China, aged 45 years or older, with a sample size of an estimated 10 000 households and 17 000 individuals. See
Oxford's Department of Economics is one of Europe's leading research departments and its members include some of the world's most distinguished academic economists whose research has made major contributions to modern economic analysis. Six Nobel Prize winners in Economics are former members of the department (Sir John Hicks, Lawrence Klein, Sir James Meade, Sir James Mirrlees, Amartya Sen and Joe Stiglitz). See
Pathfinder Research Projects are aimed at supporting the ESRC in pursuit of its international agenda by broadening the outreach of the Council. The Pathfinder Research Projects were conceived with the aim of also supporting some of the challenges for economic and social research identified in ESRC's 2009-2014 Strategic Plan, particularly those related to: Global Economic Performance, Policy and Management; New Technology, Innovation and Skills; Health and Wellbeing; and Social Diversity and Population Dynamics. The new ESRC Delivery Plan 2011-15 streamlines the original seven research challenges in to three focused priorities: Economic Performance and Sustainable Growth; Influencing Behaviour and Informing Interventions; and A Vibrant and Fair Society. The China-South Africa Pathfinder Research Projects will inform each of these. Projects will also contribute to the implementation of UK Strategy for Data Resources for Social and Economic Research 2009-2012 (National Data Strategy) that advances a strategy for international data requirements.
Source: Oxford University