Accupuncture relieves headaches
The Cochrane Review looked at 33 trials of accupuncture and its 'sham' counterpart, in which needles are used, but not placed in the traditional energy fields. Scientists suggest that where the needles are placed may not be that important and many modern acupuncture specialists believe that the insertion of needles actually causes subtle changes in the nervous system and brain activity which can be beneficial - and place needles in other parts of the body rather than concentrating solely on traditional acupuncture points.
The Cochrane reviews involved a total of 6,736 patients, who were given acupuncture to prevent either mild to moderate "tension" headaches, or migraine attacks.
Following a course of at least eight weeks, acupuncture patients suffered fewer headaches than those given only painkillers.
The reviewers also concluded that accupuncture is better than preventative drug treatments for migraine. Again, non-traditional needle placement was as good as traditional accupuncture.