Win a million – and you don't have to buy anything!
Often, entrants into promotions have to provide proof of purchase, but the rules for entry into Liberty Life's national Get a plan. Get a life competition specifically state that product purchase is not required.
The intention is to build positive awareness of the need for professional financial planning as this is good for consumers, the financial service industry per se, the country and ultimately for the assurer's brand.
Howard Fox, Divisional Director of Marketing at the assurer, says, "We believe this approach is a first for South African financial services. The campaign 'hero' is not a new product, but a new attitude - that financial planning should be a consumer priority and should be professionally conducted.
"We want to encourage a savings culture in South Africa and believe the best way to do this is to start by motivating people to get a proper financial plan." He went on to say that the concept is an unusual approach that is designed to create excitement without the heavy selling that might provoke consumer cynicism.
Get a plan. Get a life promotes the planning approach favoured by the Financial Planning Institute and offers a R1 million cash prize to the client who wins a national draw after calling in an authorised Liberty Life adviser to work out a financial plan that meets FPI criteria.
Those who advised on, or provided back-office support for the winning plan, ensuring the incentivisation of financial advisers and admin staff, stand to win luxury vehicles.
It is anticipated that any professionally conducted planning process will cover life, retirement, risk and investment products, but no specific categories are touted in promotional material.
Radio spots are the promotion's primary drivers and they will be supported by magazine, press and outdoor advertising.