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Matthew Hindley exhibits at iArt's new gallery space

As a 'project room', iArt Gallery Wembley offers us a myriad of exciting opportunities to expand our reach and give our clients insight into more experimental and collaborative realms of South African art, without having to compromise or stray from the already well-established identity developed at and maintained by our Loop Street premises.
The first exhibition to be held at the space will be a collection of paintings by Matthew Hindley entitled Like, like, like, like a circus. In this body of work Hindley responds to the influence of his time spent in Berlin, taking on the monumental scale of the German master Adolf von Menzel. The scenes depicted take on a cinematographic reality. Characters are recognisable from painting to painting, brought to life on his large-format work-surfaces to face different enigmas in each composition. Hindley's paintings are simultaneously unsettling and comforting - disturbing in the sense that his characters reveal a nuanced darkness and reassuring for the fact that it is a very human darkness to which each of us can relate.