Celebrating 100 Years of Bollywood at The Lyric
Audiences can enjoy the essence of Bollywood that has evoked a kaleidoscope of emotions from audiences, from devotion (Bhakthi) to Hindustani Classical Music, from folk to patriotic songs - all punctuated with distinct flavours of romance that only the magic of Bollywood can create.
The principal artists are Mr and Mrs Jha - (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) who currently teach music in Durban and Gauteng under the auspices of ICCR- Delhi. They will be accompanied by an array of local artists including Dr Veena Lutchman (Lotus FM-Bakthi Sangeeth and Gitanjali) and Rajiv Mohan with his orchestra Dilkash.
From the 1940s to the early 1990s, the movie industry was one of the few links that was not affected by the lack of bi-lateral agreements between India and Apartheid South Africa, and Bollywood continues to hold its popularity among many audiences.
Tickets are available from Computicket at R100, R200 and R300.