Kick the smoking habit without gaining weight
We understand that one of your main concerns when making the decision to quit smoking is the fear of gaining weight. You might be surprised to know that your fear is not completely unwarranted, in actual fact you could initially gain weight as smoking boosts your metabolism and nicotine suppresses your appetite. If you are a heavy smoker you could be burning up to 200 calories a day. Nevertheless should you approach your choice to give up this very harmful addiction in the right manner and plan ahead.
Living a healthier lifestyle
"It's never too late to benefit from relinquishing this unhealthy habit. The use of tobacco affects every organ in the human body in a harmful way, say yes to life and no to addiction," says Mary Holroyd, founder and chairman of Weigh-Less.
Weight gain can be prevented however if the quitter partakes in physical exercise, follows healthy eating habits and avoids alcohol. The most important thing at this stage is to remember that you are getting rid of a very bad habit and replacing it with a healthier lifestyle. Another fact that one may find comforting on their journey to becoming a non-smoker, is that research has shown that one would need to gain between 45 and 70kg after quitting to make the health risks as high as smoking.