#Loeries2017: Jury president jabber with Götz Ulmer
This year’s four international jury presidents for the Loeries will head up key jury panels as well as speak at the much-anticipated DStv Seminar of Creativity.
Ulmer, who is still at the same agency where he started his career more than two decades ago, has been a member of the international board of directors for One Show since 2014, a member of D&AD Germany since 2010 and a member of ADC Germany since 2003.
As a result, he is excited to head up the 2017 Loeries ‘film and radio’ judging panel and calls the Loeries a “wonderful, different festival” of creativity. I chatted to him about his judging expectations, how he’s preparing himself for the task of judging the best work from Africa and the Middle East and the importance of this year’s Loeries’ theme: simply judging the work…
I first judged the Loeries in 2013, and feel even more humbled to be picked than I did the first time. I really like the flair and vibe of the Loeries!
It sounds simple and silly, but just discussing and talking to ‘normal people’: creatives.
By playing African rhythms on my drum kit for two straight days!
Getting as much ideas, talks, fights and inspiration as I can. And the free hugs!
Ideas are the only thing we have. Even though the voices get louder that an idea is 'reaching the right people with the right content', it’s not. Be brave and embrace the chaos we call creativity.
Let’s make it happen! Remember that the Loeries’ entry deadline has been extended until 31 May. Keep an eye on our Loeries special section for the latest updates.