WhatsApp exchanges between murder-accused Jason Rohde, his late wife Susan and his mistress Jolene Alterskye were read out in court Monday, 6 November 2017, revealing vicious fights in the days before her death.
Cellphone expert Warrant Officer AnnaMarie van Niekerk testified about the content of the messages, many of which were sent within the last 24 hours of Susan's life.
The final messages from Susan's phone went to Jolene Alterskye just after 7am, on the morning Rohde said he found his wife hanging from a towel hook.
Susan replied to an earlier message sent by Alterskye, which read: "Go wash your mouth."
Susan wrote: "Whore-wash your own fucking mouth ... After you such (sic) my husband's dick. Jason said you were only good for one thing and that's why he keeps coming back. He said you would be the last person he ever wanted to be with."
At the same time Jason received a message from a friend asking if he was okay. He replied: "Drama, but okay."
This occurred while the trio were at a Geffen International Realty Franchises conference at the Spier wine estate in Stellenbosch.
On 23 July, Rohde told Alterskye: "This weekend made me realise just how much I don't want to be with sue anymore. All I can think of is you. I want to scream with frustration. I don't want anything more in my life than to be with you."
She replied: "My penguin forever", to which Rohde said: "Having you close is driving me crazy. Sue is driving me nuts!!!!! She follows me around like a fucking shadow."
Rohde and Susan also had many exchanges, including an apparent argument about their future together.
"And I know you're going to divorce me so I'm doing what I want now," said Susan.
She also called him a "devious fucking bastard", to which he replies: "U can now pack your bag and leave."
An exchange between Susan and her psychologist Jane Newcombe said : "I shook her hand and said I hoped we didn't have to meet again."
Newcombe: "Did it leave you feeling in control?"
Susan: "Yes."
Newcombe: "Great! So tomorrow will be better." This message was never read.
The case continues on Tuesday, when Newcombe is expected to testify.
Source: The Times