Technology has made buildings less climate-friendly: but we can look back in time for solutions
Bashar Al Shawa 12 Jan 2022
Another 30 homes to be built in Nissanda
5 Aug 2016
The average nominal price of middle-segment housing increased by 3.2% year-on-year (y/y) in July this year, down from a revised growth rate of 4% in June.
The July growth rate was the lowest since September 1999, and brought the average nominal price of a house in this segment of the market to about R967,600.
Compared with June this year, house prices increased by only 0.1% in July. In real terms, prices dropped for the fifth consecutive month in June, by 7.3% y/y (-6.2% y/y in May), based on headline CPI inflation. On a month-on-month basis house prices were down by a real 1.1% in June.
In the category of small houses (80m²-140m²), nominal price growth slowed to a level of 4.9% y/y in July 2008 compared with a growth rate of 6.1% y/y registered in June. This brought the average nominal price of houses in this category to about R680,800 in July, with prices declining by a marginal 0.1% on the preceding month.
Taking account of the effect of inflation, the average price of small houses dropped by a real 5.4% y/y in June this year after a decline of 4.1% y/y was recorded in May. In June this year average house prices in the small category was 1.3% lower than in May.
Nominal year-on-year price growth in respect of medium-sized houses (141m²-220m²) came in at just 2.1% in July 2008 (3.3% y/y in June), which brought the average price to around R937,300 in July.
Compared with June, no nominal price growth was recorded, while prices have declined by 1.2% in nominal terms between December last year and July this year. In real terms, the average price of medium-sized housing was 7.9% y/y lower in June (-6.3% y/y in May). On a month-on-month basis, prices declined by a real 1,4% in July compared with June, after declining by 1.3% in real terms in comparison with May.
With regard to large houses (221m²-400m²), nominal price growth of 3.6% y/y was recorded in July 2008, down from 5.3% y/y in June. On a monthly basis, the average price was a nominal 0.3% lower in July than in June. This brought the average price in this category of housing to a level of about R1,385,800 in July.
Taking into account the effect of inflation, the average price of large houses was 6.1% y/y lower in June (-4.1% y/y in May), while in comparison with May this year, prices were down by a real 1.5% in June.
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